Friday, September 12, 2014

life in university.

 31.08.2014--- The day that I officially left my hometown. I saw my friends broke down into tears when she hugged her parents, but I didn't. KLIA is definitely bigger than Miri Airport, and I almost got lost in it, But thanks for the signboard, we somehow got out of the airport safely, but NO UM staff is to be seen. So we waited for hours, then finally the staff arrived. and after hours and hours of waiting, the bus finally came. It was quite a distance from the airport to the university. they say KL is well developed, but it's somehow different from what I thought. I was the first one to got off the bus as I'm staying in the first residential college, and somehow I'm the ONLY ONE in the bus that stayed in the hostel. TT I waited there for the senior in my college to pick me up, I expected they to be friendly, but i was greeted with a plump guy with a stern expression. Though I was a bit nervous, but I still managed to say:"Hi."。 But speaking the truth, I'm terrified by his look , he looked like he's a tough one. Then I was greeted by another three seniors, two guys, one girl. They asked me to fill in some application forms before I get to see my room. Okay, here comes the highlight. I must say, the moment i enter my room, I was really disappointed. Somehow I didn't expect the room to be this old. Put aside the facilities, the floor tiles looked like those toilet mosaic tiles. Duhh. But what can I do, I'm gonna stay here for one year, so I'm just gonna deal with it. I was the first one to arrive in my room, so like it or not, I get to spend the night alone. Then, before I could realize it, the tears already started to roll down my cheeks. I miss home, I miss mom, I miss my dad, I miss my family, I miss my friends, I miss Miri. It was after shower, my mom called me. I thought I could pretend that I was okay. But my mom knew that I was crying, that was when I decided to let it all out. It's only the first night, and I already feel like want to go home. I wonder what will happen to me next?

01.09.2014-06.09.2014----- Orientation started. I must say making new friends is a lot harder than I thought. Of all the freshies here, 80% were graduated from matriculation, which in turn says that they were younger than me by one year. Okay, fact accepted. Since most of them graduated from matriculation, so some of them already knew each other, and what happened next? They form a pack. And I'm like the only Alien there, sitting alone, do all the stuff alone. But it was only for the first three days. I managed to meet some new friends, but not really like best friend kind of best friend. It's kinda hard for me to open up to someone I just met, and it's even harder for me to fake to laugh at jokes they told, which is not funny at all. Not to say some of them are really mean, especially the popular girls, So I rather be alone, than mix with the wrong people just to make myself seem less forever alone. That's not me. The conclusion is, it's really hard to meet someone who can be genuinely nice to you, so for me I'll just do my part well. Albeit the girls and friends stuff, the orientation was rather fun. I love the facilitators, how humourous they are, but they could be really strict as well. This orientation week is definitely gonna be the days that I wouldn't forget for the rest of my life. I managed to join the choir team for my college, and luckily we won the first prize! LOL. never expect this at all. There are some hot facilitators that I saw, and when I say they are hot, they are literally hot and cute! But due to my introverted personality, I wasn't able get to talk to them. I wish I could a little bit more braver, to be the first one to speak, instead of sitting there and envy those who can mix with others easily. =(

08.09.2014-08.09.2014---- Class started. My course has the least intake of students of all the courses under faculty of medicine, guess what only 17 people in the class. LOL. But this makes it easier for me to mix around, though some of them are from different states, different religions, but i'm really glad that we can mix around really well. And I'm really surprise that there are three sarawakian! Finally i met someone who's from the same state as me! It's easier for me to mix around with the sarawakian. LOL. Oh yeah, and we have assignment and presentation as soon as the class was conducted. As much as I hate it, I need to finish it on time. Haiz. Hopefully I'm able to pull through this 4 years. this freaking 4 years.