Monday, September 29, 2008

another lame day..xD

又是闷闷的一天哦..呵呵, 下午要去补习了,讨厌xD~没事情做就来这边乱乱写, 来发泄下, 呵呵之前的部落格没有用了, 因为都是些不好的回忆..哈哈, 很高兴也很期待~朋友昨晚约我出去哦, 哈哈, 虽然是每次都有出去, 可是都会很期待的说, 自己也不懂做麽, 大概是像三岁小孩子那样一点点也会兴奋吧~唉, 朋友们都很少来找我每除了一两个那样而已, 都不懂他们有没有当我是他们的朋友哦, 唉~算了, 还是凡事想开点吧, 也许他们很忙也说不定~哈哈xiao bi bi不用谢了啦, 反正我也想做一个新的嘛, 就碰巧帮帮你罢了~^^

旁边的图片很适合我哦, 很爱非主流的照片, 每一个都很漂亮的呵呵~有空自己也要学学怎样去edit照照了~^^...我们之间难道不能像以前那样好了吗?我到底做错了什么搞到这样..你不跟我说我也没办法的好不好, 不要让我一直在猜测我真的猜到累了!!!!发信息给你你总是冷言冷语的对待我, 你知道这种感觉是很难受的吗??也许你不这么认为, 可是这真的是很伤到我的心!!~也许我有些地方做不对, 但起码你得告诉我啊...=.='''..如果我有什么对不起你的地方我在这里跟你说对不起好了..:对不起!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

lame and buzy..xD =)

tis holiday is kinda bz and nothing 2 do..juz trap inside the house and do nothing ..except study 4 my test which is coming soon..xD..juz wan 2 study hard..but still not sure whether i can achieve my target or not..well, juz study hard as usual n try my best..xD..hmm..i create tiz blog wif my fwen, coz she dun noe how 2 create her own i hv 2 help her...^^lolx...selamat hari raya 4 those hu got celebrate...^^i realized tat my skul life was boring..=='''...reli lame and boring, wan 2 try sumthing new eh..lolx..but tats the rule, no offense..xD...starting 2 learn violin now..its kinda hard when 1st time i learn it..lolx..*ashamed*reli admire those hu can play violin very well..but i'll try my best, nothing is gonna make me afraid..=)i'm so addicted 2 anime lately, sumhow its kinda veli..well...u noe...its hard 2 explain it..but those hu r addicted 2 anime like me will noe how i feel..^^..eventot it wasnt the reality but i juz love it..^^wakakakaka..~mayb u can try 2 watch sum nice anime next time..^^haixx...i wonder wat happen 2 u eh..sumtime u treat me nice but sumtime u dun...did i do sumthing wrong 2 u i wonder..if i ever did it, plz tell me, i cant u if u werent specific...=='''..but did u noe tat sumtime u oso neverk my feeling?its hurt u noe????i juz wan u 2 treat me as ur fwen, juz tat easy, nothing more than tat...haixx...juz wan my life b easy n happy..hope i can slove my problem as soon as possible...TT