Sunday, September 28, 2008

lame and buzy..xD =)

tis holiday is kinda bz and nothing 2 do..juz trap inside the house and do nothing ..except study 4 my test which is coming soon..xD..juz wan 2 study hard..but still not sure whether i can achieve my target or not..well, juz study hard as usual n try my best..xD..hmm..i create tiz blog wif my fwen, coz she dun noe how 2 create her own i hv 2 help her...^^lolx...selamat hari raya 4 those hu got celebrate...^^i realized tat my skul life was boring..=='''...reli lame and boring, wan 2 try sumthing new eh..lolx..but tats the rule, no offense..xD...starting 2 learn violin now..its kinda hard when 1st time i learn it..lolx..*ashamed*reli admire those hu can play violin very well..but i'll try my best, nothing is gonna make me afraid..=)i'm so addicted 2 anime lately, sumhow its kinda veli..well...u noe...its hard 2 explain it..but those hu r addicted 2 anime like me will noe how i feel..^^..eventot it wasnt the reality but i juz love it..^^wakakakaka..~mayb u can try 2 watch sum nice anime next time..^^haixx...i wonder wat happen 2 u eh..sumtime u treat me nice but sumtime u dun...did i do sumthing wrong 2 u i wonder..if i ever did it, plz tell me, i cant u if u werent specific...=='''..but did u noe tat sumtime u oso neverk my feeling?its hurt u noe????i juz wan u 2 treat me as ur fwen, juz tat easy, nothing more than tat...haixx...juz wan my life b easy n happy..hope i can slove my problem as soon as possible...TT

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