Saturday, April 25, 2009

_if i am given a choice_

if i am given a choice,
i wish that..
i would become a bird..
flying in the sky..
worry about nothing..

if i am given a choice,
i wish that..
i can travel all over the world..
and enjoy the happiness..

if i am given a choice,
i wish that..
my heart is gone missing..
so that i would love no one..

if i am given a choice,
i wish that..
i never met you..
so that my heart wouldn't feel itchy like this..

if i am given a choice,
i wish that..
i can have a special place in your heart..

if i am given a choice,
i wish that...
i can become the princess in your heart..
the most special one in your heart...

only that..
i don't have any choices..
but only stay calm at here..
and wait for you to seek for me..
now and forever...

written by _QiAnz_

Thursday, April 23, 2009

_be appreciated_

today, i opened my mail box and checked whether my friends have send me something
or not..but then, i received a mail, a touching mail..

it is about people's attitude towards some issues..
well, let me tell you..
if you were complaining about you were unhappy about these and that,
why don't you think about other people??
do u think that you have any right to complained about this??
there were still many people who was more unlucky than you, but did you ever heard them to complain?? but instead they worked very hard in order to 'survive'..have you done this??
i guess no...but i know you are now non stop complained about it..

well, if you were complained about your parents were making you annoyed..
did you ever know that, some people in the corner of the world don't even have a chance to
speak with their parents or sibling?? why??if you asked me, my answer is

if you were still complained about this and that after you have read this article..
i think you are really cold blooded..don't ever think that you are the most unlucky people in the
world, they were still many people who faced the same problem with you..
if you have time to complain, why don't u use your brain to think a way to solve it??


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

10-04-09 friday

the bookmark that i received =)
before going out lor =)
at da tou tie shop with yi ying

sorry, i know something has went wrong
actually this post was supposed to be down there, but i made it wrong already, anyway..
it' still the same thing isn't it?? =)

today went out with yi ying lor..we go watch cinema at parkson there =)
race to witch mountain..
a nice movie..=) and it was very touching when it goes to the end hehe almost cried out..
but i managed to hold my tears >< buy ="="''" hmm ="="'')">

Saturday 11-04-09

zi lian si =='''

at the airport toilet =x

today my big bro go to KL

a bit heavy hearted =(

no more laughter will be heard anymore when he went to KL


anyway, hope that he can finish his course successfully =)

jia you =)

Monday, April 6, 2009

my life is ruined ==

my life is totally ruined ==
ruined by homework, ruined by a lot of complained, my life sucks man ~ SUCKS~!!
i can tell you that, even in my dream, i will still dreaming that i am seating for PMR, pity me.,
very depressed.. ==
sigh, that stupid principle, still want to held a lot of seminal..
use your brain a bit okay, we can use the time to do our own revision, and not sitting in the music room and doing nothing..!! wth
i am totally speechless, my life is occupied by those no use thing..
everyday study study and study, but well, i have no argument with this since i like to study..
well what i don't like is wasting my time with those useless activities...
i hate it = =
and one thing i want to complain is my eye bag is getting bigger than before TT