Tuesday, June 25, 2013

bucket list.

we might think that we are still young, still early to carry everything on the shoulders, but eventually people live and die. we never know what's going to happen next, so it is always wise to live life to the fullest, appreciate the things and people around you, and don't ever take them for granted. and as u guys know, live life the fullest has always been my motto, so i have made myself a bucket list, a list comprises of things that u feel like want to do before i die. didn't guarantee i will accomplish every single thing listed below, but still i will try my best to accomplished it before i die. lol as if i know when im going to die. so enough with the nonsense, i hereby present u my bucket list.

1. bungee jumping (hopefully im brave enough to do this. don't want to be the first ppl die due to shock of Bungee jumping.)

2. sky diving (have already watched a footage of ppl doing this in YouTube, and its freaking awesome!)

3. scuba diving (it's always been my dream to be able to dive and see how magnificent it is under the sea.)

4. kiss a dolphin ( it's like the cutest creature in the world.)

5. raise a snake or iguana as pet. (well if only im rich enough to afford these pets, not sure about the iguana, but the food for the snakes are prettt costly, gggrrr, wouldn't it be nice to be a snake, just wait for ppl to feed u. ggrrr.

6. overcome my ranidaphobia and Scoliodentosaurophobia. ( like touching a frog and lizard, ewwwww!  so unacceptable! but i will see it as a challenge, LOL a Huge one.)

7. give people free hugs (i can't afford to give free food, but i can give free hugs! :-D )

8. randomly grab a guy from the street and kiss him. (maybe i will do this in the london street. lol. whuuut? why london?errrrmm, because it sounds romantinc? mostly because i won't get sued for randomly kissing people. lol!)

9. go to big bang concert (am a huge fan of them, being able to go to their concert is like dream come true!)

10. tell my first boyfriend that he has small dick. ( lol, hahhahaha his reaction will be epic xD )

11. being able to travel over the globe. :)

12. see an aurora with my own eyes! :)

13. be a part of any charity work, i wanted to spread the positivity to other ppl as well. :)

14. prank call justin bieber

15. to visit a sex store for once, like seriously im curious how all those things look like. hahhahhaha.

16. to have a projector at home, and make a room into a mini cinema.

lol, so here are the 16 things i wanted to do, just thinking of it already makes me excited. " we are not given a good life, but it's our choice to make it good or bad." awesome isnt it? so, its all depends on us! dont fill ur lives with regrets when u have so many chances to make it good. :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

i will prove u wrong

u never know how much words could hurt somebody, even if u don't think those words could ever leave side effects to those who hear it, but eventually people got hurt even at the slightest touch what more to say those words are as sharp as a knife. Just because i put on smiles on my face everyday, or just for the sake that i laugh at the silliest jokes ever in the world, doesn't mean that u can disrespect me. i am too, a human, just like anyone out there, i have feelings too. your words literally make me feel like im born for nothing, im born useless. But thanks for the words, it actually makes me want to work harder, to prove that what u say about me is soooooooo wrong. yeap, im soooooo going to prove u that u are wrong. :) thanks jerk, thanks a lot.