Sunday, June 22, 2014

counting down.倒数

Counting days to the day i stop working. I'm not going to lie that i'm not excited at all, in fact i'm overly excited. And then i will have time to do my own thing, go to places i want to go and meet the people i have not meet in ages. That's just beyond awesome. But the truth is that i will have to leave my home soon and go somewhere else i study, which till know i have no idea where i'm heading. But It's going to be announced sooner or later. Being a 20 year old girl, i have never been outside Miri, ALONE, staying at places i might never been, and stay in a room with people i don't know. The thought of living under the same roof with other people does make me shrugged a little bit. I'm not saying that i don't like the idea of staying with other people, but somehow i'm not really fond of it. But what can i do, all the freshman have to stay in the hostel, i guess i will take it as a challenge then. Life just doesn't act in the way you want it too, and the best way to deal with it is to cope with it. Well i do hope my room mate is decent ones. finger crossed.

Well, you can see i have posted a picture of books on top of my post. I really think that  reading is a good way to kill time. OMG, lol i feel like i'm writing academic essay when i say that. LOL. But seriously being able to indulge myself in the world of words is just amazing. It's like when i read, i imagine myself being there, witnessing things that happen in the story. It's just beyond words. =) So try to read more people, it's a good way to cut down your stress.

When you are bored, you will find that even the lamest things in the world will turn out to be a funny thing to you. Recently, there are friends of mine on facebook posted photos and news regarding the so called 'artist' from the 'red people' company. Actually i have no interest on such thing. But when you get bored, and you have nothing else to do, reading gossips could be nice thing to do. Haha! Frankly speaking, I'm not really a fan of these people, and in fact i feel that they are the Malaysian version kind of Justin Bieber. LOL, immature and disrespectful. They say they are artist, but i don't see any good and talent in them. Hmm,i wonder how long will they be an artist since they have so many haters. LOL. we will just wait and see. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


     It has been years since i first established my own blog, and I really can't believe that it has been ages. I feel like it is just yesterday when i first started to blog.And of all the followers i had, i think i'm the only one who continues to blog, despite the fact that we have other online APPS which is better than blogger. For instance, instagram, where u can just upload bunch of photos and you don't have to write long essays to describe how u feel,what u do today,like what people always said : A picture tells thousand words. Yes it might be true.But it's never going to be the reason i abandon my blog.I mean this blog holds a lot of memories of mine, be it a sweet one or bitter one.

   I still remember the first post i ever write for my blog is actually dedicated to a crush of mine. Expressing how i was deeply and madly in love with him but he didn't know about it. The fact that i wasn't bald enough to tell him how i feel, had make me regretted so much. But i guess, there are things and people that are not destined to be ours. And though i might regret, but i'm contented with what i have right now. =)