Tuesday, June 17, 2014


     It has been years since i first established my own blog, and I really can't believe that it has been ages. I feel like it is just yesterday when i first started to blog.And of all the followers i had, i think i'm the only one who continues to blog, despite the fact that we have other online APPS which is better than blogger. For instance, instagram, where u can just upload bunch of photos and you don't have to write long essays to describe how u feel,what u do today,like what people always said : A picture tells thousand words. Yes it might be true.But it's never going to be the reason i abandon my blog.I mean this blog holds a lot of memories of mine, be it a sweet one or bitter one.

   I still remember the first post i ever write for my blog is actually dedicated to a crush of mine. Expressing how i was deeply and madly in love with him but he didn't know about it. The fact that i wasn't bald enough to tell him how i feel, had make me regretted so much. But i guess, there are things and people that are not destined to be ours. And though i might regret, but i'm contented with what i have right now. =)

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