Saturday, February 28, 2009

_don't be too proud of it_

is a tired day..because today my school has organized a parent's day..
tiresome day..=(
feel a bit sleepy now.. the result for the parent's day..
i did some little improvement, and some of my subject result drop..=(
sigh, what a trouble..very bothering..=(
and i really hate ____
always treat other people like servant as though they are the richest, the purest, and they are elite..!!
don't be so proud of it..~!! you still don't know what actually happened in school..don't always looked down at people okey??not all people are born to be rich and beautiful..!!if i am given a choice, i wished i was born like that~!but what different is, we do not have to choice..this is the way we are since we were born, there is nothing you people can laugh at..><,beside have you ever hear that goodness is better than beauty..??so what if you were born rich and you have the beauty?it doesn't mean that you have the right to judge people with their appearance and laugh at them??of course you don't have the right..!!so its better you just shut your mouth tight and don't ever laughed at other people..!!
finally i feel a bit relieved after i said whatever i want to said~~

Friday, February 27, 2009

_a black friday_

today, it's totally a BLACK FRIDAY~
a lot of things happened...and i really frustrated~
love, friendship, study...and lots more...
very frustrating..=(

lots of people cry..
there is a scar carved on their heart..
and this a day we definitely won't forget..
struggled against your mind, friendship and as well as love...

i really can't take it anymore..
and during our difficult time..
there was a girl who is big mouthed really making me angry and disappointing!
how dare you made the things get even worse??
if there is anything happened to them..
and you!! are responsible for it...
thick face!~

someone help me please..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

_daily activities for today_

today..same as usual..nothing specials happened..><><''haha.. today.. one of us have been missing....><><''ngek ngek..miss you much..~ =) haha..sorry ya for didn't reply your msg, my phone was out of credit..i haven't reload..sorry...>< =) hope you understand..erm.. for soi po=) :
today u asked me got any news in the school..well i already mentioned at the beginning of this article..haha, i forgot to bring my own T-shirt le..haha, and our form teacher already know the reason why you absent..but only that she haven't know the details of this problem..guess she will ask us tomorrow, and we have to tell her the truth..>< fine =")">钢管舞娘 aka the strip dancer~lolx, very funny isn't it..we all laughed until our stomach beh tahan..haha...^^lolx, she got her own "sexy"pose,different kind of poses o.. surely u will "nose bleed" if u see that...^^lolxx...hehe...=)

haha, thats the activities for today, i will keep on writing the daily activities everyday (if i have the time to do so..haha)don't forgot to view my blog everyday lor..=) miss ya..=)
p/s: i love sunset!! (lolx, i just wan to express wat i feel now, lolx, this doesn't related to with the things above..haha, crazy me><><)

**when one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.**

Monday, February 23, 2009

i'm not wishing for anything.....

i'm not wishing for anything..!!
i'm not wishing for your sympathize~
i'm not wishing for your love, i'm not wishing your caring, i'm not wishing for anything from you..
because you are just untrustworthy!!..

i don't even know whether there is a place SPECIAL for me in your heart..
time had gone, and you had change..a big change..
i'm not saying anything offensive, im telling the truth..!
when u are expecting something to happen, u will sooner realize that, you will disappoint more..
i'm not expecting anything from u ever again..!!
yes, u can say me selfish..
so what being selfish?? human beings are selfish..!!
don't u dare to tell me day u don't behave selfish??of coz u did..
your words had crush heart broke into pieces..
this is very discriminating,okey?? maybe you didn't realize what had you done on other people..
but this is a sin..but i'm not willing to tell you about what fault u have done..u gotta understand yourself..==~!!!
but i won't regret on my decision, since this is my final decision..
i won't interrupt your life have your own dreams..i have my own life!
goodbye then.....forever..

Friday, February 20, 2009


this few day is really boring...=(
study->tuition->revision->bedtime->call it a day =(
tired eh..haiz..
anyway, i enjoy my time at school with my friends
today, got a lot of funny material to talk about..haha..
my stomach is almost explode...><
and we also kepo with with others ppl matters..kepo =)
and what the hell is going on, they keep sending me some useless link in my msn..=(it's bothering..
haha, that day caught someone red handed, i know sometime that are not supposed to be know actually..
but anyway, i still not sure whether it is true or's just my opinion, nothing serius..haha, mayb i am a bit too concern ler..haha..=)
okay, stop here..=) i am knocking off..haha..

x X QianZ X x

Saturday, February 14, 2009


情人节快乐 =)
因为考试都弄到心情不好,总有一种不好的预感 =(
因为在前面等着我们的, 不懂是美好的还是不好的。。
倒不如活到开心一点 =)


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

-lifes doesn't always work out the way u want-

today..our class are being compared with other classes again..=='''
"you guys are elite class, you don't call yourself as elite if other people come from other classes get higher marks than you.." yea, that's it, it just happened..==

"elite class must get straight A's"
"elite class must perform.."
"elite class must not let your teacher down.."
"u guys are really making me disappointing..."

elite, elite, elite and elite..
all elite, i think i should change my name already, u can call me elite then..!! ==''
we are humans, we need time to relax, we need time to study, we are not as perfect as u can think..and don't always count on us!!don't always expect things on us!!i know all the things school plan for us is for our own good, but can't you let us take a breath for a while~!!!

hate that i m in this class..haizz, i only can said that " lifes doesn't always work out that way" TT