Saturday, March 28, 2009

_one-way flight_

hey, i come here again =)
this week was definitely is a tiresome week =( we have to study even for today =( that stupid principle, please used your brain a bit okay?? you are causing me going crazy!!!

okay, as you can see the title for today is one-way flight...well, it's not the flight i am talking about..
well, what i am talking about is love..
love is a one-way flight when you fall in love with someone you are not supposed to love..
love is a one-way flight when you love him/ her, he/she don't know about that..
love is just like one-way flight when you are broken hearted..

it was just like no matter how hard you try, no matter how big the crush is, there is no reward back at all, i mean NO REWARD BACK AT ALL..
especially, when you love him/ her, he/ she don't know about that, it was very painful and silly..but that's the way it is..=(

okay, that's all for today..erm, before i end this, don't forget to turn off the light today as well as the other electrical appliances..=) save the earth, for the sake of the earth and as well for the sake for your loves one =)

happy earth day..=)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

_what's wrong with mie??_ =(

it's had been a long time didn't come here..
what can i do?? there's "thousand" of homework i have to finish..
sometime even have to burn the midnight oil =(
luckily i have finished some of it..==v
found that i am a bit out of community..erm , i know my description is sucks, so please ignore it ==
get it what i said just now?? i said i am a bit out of community!!
sometime, somehow i feel that i want to be alone..i hate other people interrupt my world, i just want to be alone! but somehow the "taste" of being alone is not that bad =)

i love to do my homework alone, singing the song i like myself, hey don't think that i have mental problem ok?? i am NORMAL~~ don't ever misunderstand =)

each day passes in a blink of an eye =( PMR is coming soon..=( haiz

Sunday, March 15, 2009

_first day after my birthday_

today, nothing special happened..
and then suddenly i felt like wanted to turn on the phone..
and then suddenly i received 7 messages..
the message was all about my birthday..
thx again to those who sent that..=)
Su fang, sharon, xiao bai, daphne and sze yin and still got two more i forgot le..==''' [thx =)]
hehe =) the happiest birthday ever..=)
yesterday Yuen Ting went to my house to return the disc that i have borrowed to her..
and she still remember my birthday, very unexpected lor..hehe =)
she gave me a small cake..nice ^^
thx ya Yuen Ting, best friends forever..=)

and today buzy doing my homework and projek..hehe..
and then 6pm like that, i went out of the house to have a day dreaming outside the house...><><'' very geli..hehe.. well, that's the activities for today..hehe.. _a nice and wonderful day_

Saturday, March 14, 2009

_happy birthday to me_**thx friends, luv you all**


hehez, i have grown one year older..^^
didn't receive any gift or present which is very expensive or made in any well-known brand, but instead i have received a lot of meaningful present and gift from my beloved friends, thanks friends, i really really appreciate it..i really do~^^

First, Corina, i want you to know that, thx were the first one who wished me happy birthday, you were the one who always said that:Qian, your birthday is just in the corner..and you were always the one who cheered me up whenever i feel sad, you were always the one who lead me to the light whenever i was trapped in the darkness, you were always the one who i would share my top secret with..thx, friend, you are my best best friends forever, since i was born, i really hope that there is a people who can understand me like you do, and you had fulfill what i wished for..=) thx..

second, to my beloved friends, kelly, Daphne, Mavis, Sze yin..=) thx for the lollipop, maybe for other people who don't know how to appreciate, it was just a small present and gift, but for me..i really like the lollipop, it was very meaningful to me...and i liked the flavor too,it tasted very sour and our friendship..maybe sometime we quarrel,that's when it tasted sour, when we were happy, that's when is tasted sweet..i like the moment we share with each other, i like moment when we laugh together, when we study together, when we were gossiping together..and thanks for singing the birthday song outside the school, you guys really make my face blushed to red..hehe..=)friends, really love you...

at last, friends, i want to let you know that... friends, you are the apples of my eyes.. friends, you are the loving companions at all time.. friends, you are the people who always cheered me up.. friends, i want you to know that, when we graduate, i will remain fresh the memory we used to share with each other inside my heart, always and always..and there will always be some special places in my heart for you guys, for my beloved and trusted friends..=)
i won't forgot you guys..i will always remember you guys are the one who made my face blushed into red outside the school..although i didn't received many present like other people did..but one things for sure is, the gift and the wishes are surely the most meaningful things in my life..=)
although words cannot express what i feel now, but lastly, friends i would like to let you know that..