Wednesday, March 25, 2009

_what's wrong with mie??_ =(

it's had been a long time didn't come here..
what can i do?? there's "thousand" of homework i have to finish..
sometime even have to burn the midnight oil =(
luckily i have finished some of it..==v
found that i am a bit out of community..erm , i know my description is sucks, so please ignore it ==
get it what i said just now?? i said i am a bit out of community!!
sometime, somehow i feel that i want to be alone..i hate other people interrupt my world, i just want to be alone! but somehow the "taste" of being alone is not that bad =)

i love to do my homework alone, singing the song i like myself, hey don't think that i have mental problem ok?? i am NORMAL~~ don't ever misunderstand =)

each day passes in a blink of an eye =( PMR is coming soon..=( haiz

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