Sunday, May 31, 2009






可是 事实就是事实 没得好辨了


有时候, 不要忽视身边的人, 也许他们的出现与存在对你来说是再也平凡不过的事情
但是, 也请你学会珍惜吧
适当的时候给予他们一句适当的问候, 也不错
因为他们心中想要的就是你的关心, 你的问候。。。

学会珍惜, 就会发现自己其实拥有不少珍贵的东西。。。

Saturday, May 23, 2009


normally. i wouldn't have to wake up so early..
but just because of the stupid sucking and no use test..i have to sacrifice my bed time and have to wake up so early..
the test is really sucks man..all so hard..sienz..
and guess what? that stupid fucking no use fat ass principle will call the parent of those who get C in each subject..
what the fuck la..who do you think you are??
i know i am rude..but you are the who turn me up like this..
i really can't control myself anymore..i try to convince myself that whatever you did..
is for my own good..
but i just can't do it..never expect it will be so hard for me to accept the way you are..
cause i hardly can see there is any benefits for us if you do like this!!
just hope that i wasn't belong to here..shit!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

_my heart is gonna explodes_

test is coming soon..
and we have received a bad news..
totally a bad news for us..
for the chosen one..
we had no choice but become the chosen one..
we have lost our freedom..
why you want to tied us up??
we are just like the birds that lost their wings..
unable to fly and have no right to fly..
being control by the evil fat nanny.. v(=.=)v
this time..
if we could not "fly" successfully, the evil fat nanny is gonna shoot us using her gun T.T
pity us..
do you have the right to do so?? have no right at all..
sigh, but what can i do?
the gun is in her hand..
she can do whatever she want...
shoot us..??maybe.. (lol)

anyway, gonna try hard for the coming test..
or else the evil fat nanny is really going to shoot me..lolx

Friday, May 15, 2009

_i see your true colours_

i wonder doesn't a friend..
is always the one who will support you...
the one who will always stay behind you and supporting you?
friends, is like a four leaves clover..
hard to find, and lucky to have..
some people say that, friends are the siblings that the god didn't give us..
well, somehow, i find this sentence is very meaningful and somehow it is a quite reasonable answer for me.. to answer the question : what does the term "friend" stand for..

if you are asking me this question, my answer would be like the one i have stated above...
but somehow, there is a few types of friends in my life, maybe it does appear in your life also..
well, depends on your luck..0.0

some friends are really a true friends, the one who will never abundant you no matter how bleak the situation are..

some friends are just like the people who are using the mask to talk with you..
who are using you as the tool to do something..
some might use u as the bridge to cross the river..some even like viruses, harmful and dangerous...

some are the people who would say something bad about me..i have met so many people like this before..ignorance is the best way to avoid this kind of people..some people thought that as if they are the king/queen of the world..all must obey them??sorry la..i wouldnt do this for you, everything is worthless...don't think you have the right to do faker and B*tch..just get off and go away from..

i will never lose something even you have gone or die~~

and finally i see your true colours..

i wouldnt mix up with you anymore...!!! b*tch


ever since when...

the people around me turn out like a doll..

a doll that would never talk with me..

everything is like an illusion..

i choose to not believe anyone..

there is a huge wall between me and you all..

and wall that you could never break..

is there anyone that i could really believe??

everyone is using the mask and talk with me..

everything is just a lie..

the promises that we had DEAD and Gone..

Gone away like the wind..

and i could see no more..

Friday, May 1, 2009


if you are standing next to me right now..
you will definitely know that i am feeling blue and depressed..
the exam is coming soon..
i am not well prepared..
so what should i do??
and time is unwilling to wait for me..
a girl who just want everything in her life perfect..
but due to many reasons...
life wasn't going the way i want...
but i know that life is like that...
what can i do??
wait at there and cry like a baby?? =='''
i dont know...
i am searching the clues which can make life much more easier..
but i knew that people would always said : smile make life easier..
really?? is it dependable??
there is a big question mark in my heart, a question that people will never know..
because i have treasured it in the deepest place in my heart..
no one is gonna find out, what am i curious of...
friendship?? exam?? life?? personal matter?? or love??
just guess yourself..
anyway, i will just enjoy the life i am having right now...
and i should complain no more about this..
let the life keep going on its own..
and life doesn't always work out the way u want..
it was just like a boat..
sometime you can travel all around the world without any problem...
but sometimes, there is an enormous storms or waves which will turn the boat over..
well, that's the way it is...