Saturday, May 23, 2009


normally. i wouldn't have to wake up so early..
but just because of the stupid sucking and no use test..i have to sacrifice my bed time and have to wake up so early..
the test is really sucks man..all so hard..sienz..
and guess what? that stupid fucking no use fat ass principle will call the parent of those who get C in each subject..
what the fuck la..who do you think you are??
i know i am rude..but you are the who turn me up like this..
i really can't control myself anymore..i try to convince myself that whatever you did..
is for my own good..
but i just can't do it..never expect it will be so hard for me to accept the way you are..
cause i hardly can see there is any benefits for us if you do like this!!
just hope that i wasn't belong to here..shit!!

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