Saturday, September 19, 2009

=holidays life=

hey dude
it's holiday
but for me
it's time to revise
not for celebrating raya =p
my mum just bought me a multi-functional study desk
haha, well, guess i am using the correct adjectives =)
well, seemed like i can do my homework and all sorts of revision without any problem
since i put the study desk in my room
so it should be okay
silent and no one is going to disturb me
the life i always dreaming of =p
doing revision inside the room without any interruption =)
and yesterday i went out to parkson with my family
but my younger sister was not going with us
since she was spending her time at school, and you know what
she was still schooling yesterday
believe it or not, just believe it =p haha
and the first thing i did when i just arrived at Parkson
haha, i went to Popular
my favorite shop in Parkson
and i just get whatever books i wanted to buy without taking any consideration of the book's price
whatever =p Hehe
and all over i b0ught 13 reference books and it cost me (not me actually, its my mum, my poor mum, haha) about RM63
and i am planning to finish it within a week
but i know its impossible
but i will never know unless i give it a try
well, just do my best and give my best shot =)
haha, after that we just hang around and visit some of the shops in parkson
after spending our time in Parkson
we decided to go home earlier, before that we have to pick up my sis

and you know what
my leg feels the pain right now
haha, walking for a long distance in a day
lolx, no offense anyway =p

okay, its time to stop here

-18 days-

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