Sunday, February 7, 2010

doing my Chinese hw front of the computer x(
anyway,had fun this afternoon LOL.
the food were not-so-bad and not-so-good.well, Better than no right? Be appreciated la.
Then others keep on taking photos.Only me and kelly sitting there like a lost person xDD..haha..then we went to parkson together...
though we ate a lots at mega hotel but somehow i still felt hungry after arriving at Parkson.HAHA.i got a big stomach i guess..and i am quite sure that my stomach digest faster xDDD me and kelly went to Bintang cafe to have toast and some cold drinks. I like the iced Milo,but somehow the hot chocolate tasted bad =x we shared the single chocolate toast.haha.we talked a lot.and you know what,one thing i dun like was,it was hot inside the would be gud if there is an air conditional. HAHA..then i received an urgent Call from corina, saying that she encountered someone in the bowling centre,she wanted me to go there asap.As we already finished the food,so we went to clear the bill and went up stairs. HAHA,then something unexpected happened lo.encountered with some former school mates and a former school senior.HAHA. then i saw him la.despite of his body size, he didnt change at all.and one thing he wore braces! first he couldnt recognize us.then we waited for him to recall.and we sat there and saw him played the bowling.perhaps the laughter caught his attention then he made his eyes looked at our direction LOL..then he asked us: are u XXXX? HAHA, at last he recognize us.. xD
should i said this or what..I was nervous to talk with him.i pretended that i was okay but actually i'm not.*sigh* why? why u have to appear suddenly in my life. My life is all a mess now? don't interfere me. i am afraid that i couldn't resist all this.


Dmj said...


YunQian0314 said...

laugh what ar xDDDD hahahaha