Saturday, March 26, 2011

here i am. Thank God, everything went smoothly. And thank you for all the crews, thanks for helping and your efforts.

so i woke up early as usual, hoping that the earth will rotate faster and today will end faster. For me, today was a disaster, totally a calamity for me. At first, the atmosphere turn out to be so intense as there are a few problem occur. So, everybody was like : "what's happening now, why is everybody so serious." but after a few discussion, everything went smoothly as we planned. and i was glad that everybody enjoy the game =D that make me feels much more better.

So, erm, Me and Daphne talked about the head news today. That sent a shiver down my spine.i had goosebumps whenever we talk about it. however, may she rest in peace.

and the offender, i hope you die a terrible death. if you want to have sex so badly, why don't you just offer the prostitute some money? gosh, there's no word to describe how disgusted you are. ish!

I hope the girl's family will be alright. =( how i wish i could send my condolence to the family. =(

Thursday, March 24, 2011

heart vacancy

Daphne! it's all your fault! if you didn't ask me to listen to this song, i wouldn't be so in love with the wanted. ggggrrrr. but thanks for making me falling in love them crazily =DDDD hehehehehe
err,so the school just started. and everything is so suck, seriously. We just got the papers back, even the teachers couldn't conceal their disappointment towards us. Perhaps, we just have to work our ass off. And even the most lenient teacher, whose name i couldn't mention due to several reasons, could hold her anger. GGGrrrr..TRAUMA =((((

ok, so just to make it simple, this week is such a hectic week. so, i have to off now. lots of things to do.. TT

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Avril Lavigne, you're such a genius for composing the song what the hell, i'll respect you to the end of the world. hehehe.
since when you thought yourself are being well liked?
haha, ridiculous. =DDD

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thank you. 谢谢

可是 还是谢谢你们给了我惊喜
所以 那时的反应是——有一点不知所措
因为从小到大 我从来没有遇过这种状况
现在,我可以不用羡慕人家了 =)
我话不多,也很不会说话,要说好朋友的话,来来去去只有你们。所以真的很谢谢你们,肉麻的话就免了,因为我们之中有一个是肉麻担当人 =)哈哈哈 还有就是你们,虽然不同班但还是愿意腾出时间来 真的是很谢谢你们!=) 这算是我展开17岁人生之前收到最棒的礼物 我是个很会幻想的人 曾经很喜欢说:我要这样,我要那样 但今天我不用幻想,我是实实在在的过了一个充实又快乐的一天 =D


这首诗歌送给你们,虽然不是我写的 xD

摘自龙井的《感谢》 (我只拿部分的,哈哈哈)


2nd day of holidays

i'm going out later.
but before that, let me update my blog first.
there's no many things i want to say.
to Daphne and Mavis,
good luck for the law course (for driving). too bad you guys can't go today.i'll miss you. <3 you. ^^

people starts to complaining about the slow connection through facebook.
well, i'm not quite concern about it, i mean i can tolerate with this connection speed. i'm not gonna die. =)
but what concerns me the most, is the tragedies happen in Japan. People tend to create group like 'pray for Japan' 'support Japan' and so on. i attended. seeing what's going on in Japan through the website, and seeing the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, my heart hurts so much.

Just how many lives were sacrificed in this tragedies
Just how many people lost their families in this brutal disaster

listening to Justin Bieber's Pray. this song has always been my favourite among the justin bieber's collection, though i'm not a big fan of him. i want to dedicate this song to Japan. Be strong, though i know saying this words were helping nothing. ='(

rumors like doomsday are spreading like wildfire on the net. question like "does the disasters indicate doomsday is near?" well, i don't really care about it. it's not like i'm scare of dying. yes, i'm scare, but if it's destined to come, then it will come. let's accept it. But, let's hope for a better tomorrow. like the lyrics of the song. "there's sunshine beyond that rain, there's good times beyond that rain." =)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

1st day of Holidays.

Hola, here i come.
have you read the papers? earthquake and Tsunami happened in Japan last night.
and now, there's heavy downpour outside.
was the sky crying for those who lost their lives in the tragedies. it's sad.
and knowing that i can do nothing about it, it's really sad.
maybe i'll just pray, for the people in Japan. wish things can be alright as soon as possible. <3

Friday, March 11, 2011


感动到 ~ 哈哈哈哈
考完试了也没有想象中的那么高兴,但是心情是平坦很多 起码不用为考试牺牲了我的娱乐时间 hiak hiak
然后叻,原本以为这次因为考试的关系 老师不会给假期功课
怎么知道该来的还是来了 TT 尤其是 英文、物理 拜托 只有一个星期的假期耶 需要给那么多吗?
哎,不过算了 能做多少就做多少吧 哈哈 不然开学就等着被bomb xD