Sunday, July 1, 2012


Hi readers, so here i am again. i'm trying hard not to neglect my blog, as it's a platform to distress myself. Tomorrow's a schooling day, hectic, stressful and exhausted. TT. 4 days of bio is really distracting, sigh. nothing much i can do about it, i've chosen the path and i'm going to be responsible for that. But there are times i'm just so lost, i'm really uncertain about the direction i'm heading to. Did i make a right choice??? i'm so lost about my future. People say adult carried a heavy load on their shoulders, but sadly, teenagers nowadays are just the same as the adult. rushing to meet deadlines every day, stack of papers need to be read and do, and all sorts of assignment need to be handed in time, and most importantly, they worried about their futures all the time. this kind of feeling is like floating in the middle of the pacific ocean, and you just don't know where the tides or waves are going to bring you. if you're lucky, you'll wash up on the shore of an unknown island. You explore the island, and be the owner of the little place. but if you're unlucky, you'll just end up in the nowhere of the pacific ocean, floating and wandering for the rest of your life. This kind of uncertainty is like a pain in the neck. GGGRRRR, guess it's part of our lives which we cannot avoid. Hmmm.....argh, i'm so helpless.

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