Tuesday, January 5, 2016

grumbling as usual

    Hi readers, it's been a long time. It's 10.15pm and I'm supposed to be in bed, resting and sleeping, wake up early in the next morning and prepare for my test. But since my roommate still has the light on, and I can't sleep with the light on so I decided to write something here. It's been such a long time since my last post, which was last year, I suppose eh? Being a second-year university student is definitely much busier than I ever was in the first year, but I managed to survive anyway, 4 more papers to go, can't wait to finish the exam and head home after the examination is over, I miss my family and friends back in hometown.

   Speaking of my first semester, there are a lot of changes compare to the year before. First, I sort of got kicked off from the hostel, well, I wasn't taking part on any activities in the hostel, so yeah, that was totally in my expectation. So I rented a room at a condominium, just across where the hospital located, 10 minutes of walking distance to the hospital. I doubt it's less than 10 minutes, coz it's always the busy traffic, you know have to wait for the cars to stop before I can cross the road. This just reminds me how busy the traffic is in KL, one of the reasons I hate Kuala Lumpur, No offense though, just saying. The rental is of course much more expensive than the hostel's rental fee, but since it's in KL, so ya'all can't expect cheap rental, LOL, but I would say the rental is still in acceptable range, with all the utilities provided and the space of the room, at least, I don't have to squeeze myself in a tiny room with people I barely know. The tenants here are quite friendly, but since most of them are working already, so we barely get to talk to each other, our schedule just don't fit. LOL, but we get along just well, no worries.

   2015 has been a very special year for me, coz it's the year I officially ended my single life. Not quite sure how it happened in the first place, but it sort of just happened, LOL! We knew each other long time ago, but we were like really close only 2 to 3 years ago when we were in the same class during form 6. Back then he used to be a jerk who liked to tease me, well, he still does now, haha but it's his sense of humour that makes me like him more, but sometimes he said stupid things, though. OOOpsss, sorry, I still Love you, LOL!! Just like any other couple, we fight over some stupid little thing and it's always him being the first one to take a step back, enduring my bad attitude and my temper, which makes me feel bad coz I think that I'm really not a good girlfriend. I'm not used to saying something romantic and sweet, maybe it's because that's how I was brought up. When I heard my other friend calls her boyfriend, it makes me feel even worse. I feel like I should get 'the worst gf ever' in mankind history. TT But you know, I really appreciate the days we spend together and I really feel that I'm lucky enough to have you as my boyfriend, love you to the moon and back! xoxo.



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