today, nothing special happened..
and then suddenly i felt like wanted to turn on the phone..
and then suddenly i received 7 messages..
the message was all about my birthday..
thx again to those who sent that..=)
Su fang, sharon, xiao bai, daphne and sze yin and still got two more i forgot le..==''' [thx =)]
hehe =) the happiest birthday ever..=)
yesterday Yuen Ting went to my house to return the disc that i have borrowed to her..
and she still remember my birthday, very unexpected lor..hehe =)
she gave me a small cake..nice ^^
thx ya Yuen Ting, best friends forever..=)
and today buzy doing my homework and projek..hehe..
and then 6pm like that, i went out of the house to have a day dreaming outside the house...><><'' very geli..hehe.. well, that's the activities for today..hehe.. _a nice and wonderful day_
1 comment:
hi frenz~
who r u?
study at...??
i want close my blog ady~~want open new want lohx~
msn chat ya!~
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