Tuesday, September 7, 2010

a day at friend's house.

went to kelly's house just now.
and i was late. x( sorry
there's nothing much to do, just cut and paste. and discuss about the designing as well.
HAHA. and i was the last one to go back, my mom's fault. she's owez that late.
by the way, what does 'XOXO' means? i saw this on gossip girl. and i was puzzled. haha.
read someone's blog just now.
and i was quite angry though it's not my turn and i got no right to question and angry about it.
but still i feel pity for the baby. =(
everyday go out and left the child behind. you made the decision to give birth to the child, and yet you neglect him and had fun outside. is this what a mom should do? well, i'm speechless. feel guilty for the child though. i guess you're not mature enough and you still act like a teenage who wants to had fun all the day without taking consideration of the consequences. all you care is F.U.N. well, there's nothing wrong about having fun. i'm not saying that having fun is something wrong. but in this case, you are wrong! TOTALLY WRONG!!! sorry if i sound too harsh. but i can't help myself for being this way. urgh.
by the way, i haven't do my hw....

dear fairies,
pls give me some magical medicine. so that when i eat it, i can ignore my homework. teehee.
p/s: i'm dead broke now. so can you give me for free? thanks a lot =DDD

QiAn. ^^

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