Friday, April 27, 2012

it's me,again ;)

hi there readers, surprise much??? hehe 3 posts in a day is a bit too much i guess. well, nothing much for me to do, those dramas i've been enjoying so much is still broadcasting, which means i still need to wait for another week to watch a new episode, which is a pretty sad case for me. i feel like want to finish it all at once, i can't endure the waiting and guessing about the story line throughout the whole process. I HATE THIS SO MUCH.

speaking of dramas, i'm so surprised that up to 130 ASTRO channels are available from today till 6th of june, i was like : hell ya, are u kidding me, since when astro becomes so generous. LMAO, well since they won the putra award. haha, anyhow, i get to enjoy the channels i didn't purchase, which is a good thing for me. so as i'm done with my korean dramas, i've transformed into a potato couch for the whole afternoon, and of course the remotes are in my hand. hahah! i took control of everything. LOL, i immediately switch to channel 711, the channel i wish to watch the most in my entire life, LOL, mum said this channel is a little expensive so she didn't purchase it, so im not wasting this golden opportunity! LOL, I watched kim & kourtney, australia masterchef. fuhhh, last but not least THANK YOU ASTRO! hehe.

countdown 11 more days before my nightmare starts, gotta enjoy as much as i could, gotta play like there's no tomorrow, nobody's going to stop me,wakakakakaka!!!


话说我近期都在追看韩剧——《屋塔房王世子》,我的妈呀,我只能说朴有天真的是太太太太太xN倍 帅了。 然后刚刚在看第12集的时候终于给我盼到啦!!! 笨蛋王世子终于跟朴荷告白了!而且而且还嘴对嘴涅!!! 人家最吃这套了 xD

3.好唯美的画面啊 xD 我快崩溃了 哈哈哈哈 !!!!

于是,还没看这部戏的朋友赶快去看吧!真的很好看啊 xDD


于是,我终于看完这部连续剧啦!哈哈,只用两天就看完了而且超好看的说!没办法啦,我的假期只剩下短短的两个星期了,所以有什么好看的戏一定要想办法在这个两个星期内看完,那之后就要好好专心的读书了。 TT 

话说看完这部连续剧,我的心脏快负荷不了了啦!谁叫男女主角真的太甜蜜了,啊~~~~~~我也好想谈恋爱哈哈 (十足一个花痴女)
所以说啊 女人是善变的。哈哈! 不过管他的什么型,只要感觉对了,就算知道是错的也会一头栽进去吧?
不过这种东西还是随缘吧 =)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

screw u!

here's a big 'screw you' for those who annoyed me.HAHA, sorry, hormone's fault.being a woman is hard! so first of all, i heard that form 6 is going to start next month, like in the early of May. well i thought it would at least starts around in June! OH-MA-BOY, my plan of getting my license next month is completely ruined. 
can i say F you instead of Screw you? nevermine, don't wanna get my blog x-rated for having explicit content.still want my readers support me.LOL, as if i'm having tons of supporters LMAO

and then secondly, my parents are being such a pain in the neck especially when they won't stop nagging. I know it's not right to say something like this about my parents, but i'm tired of explaining the same thing over and over again (like endlessly), but nvm i'll skip this one.HAHA

and then third thing is that i'm so so so depressed about my future school, in which i can't mention the name here due to several reasons. But trust me,you'll know this place as it is famous for its over-strict disciplinary issues. i guess there's a name pop out of your mind. though it's still not confirm that i'm study over there, but somehow the possibility is very high. =((( i'm scared though.hahaha. 2 years my mama, try to imagine it. i wonder how they manged to survive through 5 years of endless tortures in that school. No offense that, rumours about this school is spreading like wildfire. i'm sure i'm not the only who thinks like this. ;) so should i laugh or cry now. someone tell me please.

and then seeing my friends going to universities/colleges makes me a little bit down. i feel like wow everyone is going somewhere far and i'm still trapped in this little city located in northern Sarawak. LOL. but still it's my own choice for staying here. So i guess there's no difference in what path we chose, what important is how you manage get rid of the obstacles that block your way. It's not like i'm not going to U. just that i have to wait for another 2 years. HAHA, be patient la! xD

wow, i feel good after letting out all my dissatisfaction here. good thing i have a blog.hehe. BTW,Can't wait for next sunday, it's gathering time! =))))) can't wait to see my friends whom i have not met in ages. TEEHEE

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the 3 perverts.

this is what happen when 3 pervert  start their conversation.LOL.
i said i will post it.hahaha!!! xDDD

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

hang out

that funny moment when you can't close your mouth when you're driving----

ok, let's accept the fact that i look ugly when i drive. shuts! x( lmao i don't even know i can't close my mouth at that time, lol, funny!!!!