Friday, May 18, 2012


  My lips curled without me realizing it, and when the bell rang, i quickly packed my bag and get in line, IT'S TIME TO GO HOME. most importantly, it'S FRIDAY!

  So i've been here for almost 2 weeks already, and which was quite a surprise to me. LOL, at first i had a hard time adapting myself with the surrounding and the academic staffs here, but now i am slowly adapting myself to it, which is a good thing to say right.haha.

  and i'm still working hard on making friends, cause i'm usually not the first to open my mouth and speak, well, unless you talk to me. Being the first one to speak is very AWKWARD, and i don't really like the atmosphere when everything turns bulky. But a good thing to say that i'm making progress on this,hahah, though it's not obvious but i know i'm moving forward.

   Orientation was rather boring and lame, nothing fun to talk about, the only good thing i would like to compliment is that i don't get to introduce myself! haha, when the teacher asked us to sit in a big circle, and when he stand in the middle of the circle with a white ping pong ball in his hand, i swore to God that my heart was about to jump out of my chest at anytime, and my palms are sweating. The rules are: those who get the ball must introduce themselves by shouting out loud your name, former school, where you live. luckily this self-introducing section ended quicker than i thought, yay!! and three days of orientation are enough to shred me into countless pieces, not to say it was carried out under the blazing sun, in which cold breeze is what i seek for in the open air. TT and consequently, i'm getting tanner than before. the next thing i would like to do when i shop in the drugstore is to buy VASELINE TRIPLE WHITENING. it's a must!

   Erm, currently i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i'm going to stay in the Biology Class, despite the fact that i couldn't confront my fear towards the disgusting creatures, to be specific, FROGS, LIZARDS, EARTHWORMS, SNAILS, SLUGS,and any other creatures which are extremely repulsive. forget about the creatures, i'm looking forward to my biology class, though no further information has been told to students, but i'm hoping that i could know which class i'm in by next week. FINGER CROSSED. speaking of which, i dreamed of a small lizard crawling on my hand last night, and today, this dream actually came true! first, when i entered the bathroom to change my shirt, a small lizard suddenly came out of nowhere when i closed the door. to my amazement, i didn't screamed or hopped or cursed, i kinda ignored it you know, haha, there's no point dealing with a lizard when you're constantly craving for an extra hour of bed time. LOL. and then the second time was when we are having row call, everybody sat on the floor, nobody is exempted. be it dirty or dusty, u have no choice but to sat on the concrete. and then here comes the almighty lizard, who is crawling like a boss, next to me.!!!! oh why the hell you're here!!! wanted to scream but i can't, wanted to jump but i don't wanna cause any uproar among the students,GGGRRRRR, !!the guy next to me quickly grab the little creature and played with the small creature. For who's sake i acted like nothing happened. i swore i would jump as high as i could or ran as fast as i could, just to get the hell out of the open hall. TT it was really torturing though. really frightening.

    enough with the lizard thing, and as for the conclusion for this short summary (SHORT?? DUMBO,it' very long!) is that i'm still looking forward to my life as a form 6 students, and hopefully i can enjoy it to the max. =) and i'm going to say bye now coz  i still have my own things to settle by tomorrow, and hopefully things goes smoothly. =)) bye readers, p/s:  next week is going to be a hectic week. TT. bye. hopefully i do lost some weight as an impact of the non-stop activities organized by the school.=0



Wednesday, May 9, 2012

i'm so speechless when i listened to the truth. i wonder why there are people who like to make up false stories and accuse others for things they did not commit? this is not a story telling competition, and i'm surprised that u even spread the false stories to others so that they believe in you. i feel sorry for the victim in this case, what she demand is simply an apology, was it being too harsh for you? or saying i'm sorry is going to cause you death?? tsk tsk tsk, such a bastard, a scumbag, a jerk. you know what you suck to the max. you are the suck-est person i have ever seen in this world.hahah. not satisfied ?? come and confront me not scare at all, coz all u have is lies and lies and lies. LOL, you got your friends with lies, and i swear if they know your true colours nobody's going to stand at your side anymore. my patience is the only thing that i can't take control of, if u want to play with the bomb, you are most welcomed. =) don't blame me for cursing you. coz are the one who spread the malicious things first. don't wanna mess with me? then just keep quiet, bitches. =) sorry, no white eye, i don;t wanna see u die without eyeballs. LOL. get a life. whore. =)

Monday, May 7, 2012

knowing that u don't have much time left.

see the picture above?? i despised those words very much. GGGRrrr, frankly speaking,today's my last day. i'm kinda scared, but still looking forward to my new life in new school. =))))((((((
i have nothing to update actually, nothing's been good in my life. well maybe there's something good just that i forgot what is it. LOL. 
well i have to admit that it takes time for me to adjust everything, back to the life i had when i'm still schooling. but it's kinda hard you know.since i've been stuck in home for almost 6 months already?? that's really long. i'm used to sleep late, wake up late, online for whole day, be a full time potato couch. LOL, i'm still afraid that i will not be able to wake up at 5 in the morning, that's really torturing you know. not to say i will be back to home only like 4 or 5 in the afternoon, spent most of my day in school?? hell no!!haha like i have the option to say 'NO'. someone is gonna kill me.
and it's really inconvenient when my mom need to fetch me with my sis together, sometimes my sister need to stay at school, and guess what i'll have to wait for her then only mom will come to fetch me. (though mom hasn't say anything about it, but i guess things will go like this, fuel oil is not that cheap dude) 
i wish i have a car, though i have one, i have no license!!!! am so regret right now, should start my driving course right after Chinese New Year, and all i did is just giving excuses like: hey i'm not ready to drive and all sorts of excuses u could ever thought of. failure!!! what's the point for regretting now???what has done cannot be undone. guess i will just bear with it. but still if i get to drive to school it's going to be great! 
ok readers, gonna stop here. nothing much to write already. bye bye!

*though we could at least hold on a little longer, but everything is just as delicate as it seems to be.once hurt, everything will not back to the same place it used to be.*

Thursday, May 3, 2012

i need an anger management class

seriously, i've never been so mad before! and u noe what the way u talked to made me pissed off. like i owe you money what. only now i understand being busybody is no use! no worry la, i will stop bugging u, like it? that's what u want. last but not least, hope u go die. fuck you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

lalalalalala ;)

hello peeps, how ya doing. i'm doing great here. LOL. so erm, there's nothing i can talk about my life, coz it's just boring. LOL, it's not like i hate boring life, boring life shows u're comfortable with it, at least i have foods, and shelter, and vehicles, thats what matter the most.

so today's the 2nd of May, mum just decided drag me out of the house to buy stuffs needed for form 6. so the first to settle in the list is uniform. i don't know why am i so scare to buy uniform, it's probably i'm scare people knowing how big my waist can be. that is just embarrassing. being a girl is so hard ;( but i love being one :) luckily there's only one worker in the shop and she appears to be friendly, and i guess today's its my lucky day.hahahahahah! and then i also bought the socks, together with the uniform. so uniform (checked), socks (checked).

and then we went to somewhere near mega Hotel are to have our breakfast, well because i'm constantly craving for chicken-feet-noodles (鸡脚面), the first thing the came out of my mind when i eat this dish is my childhood memories.haha, never miss this when i was small.haha. and then there's a pet shop next to this restaurant, oh my gosh!!!!!!! there's one cute golden retriever in there. oh my gee, when the puppies look into my eyes, i almost melt! it's like the cutest thing ever in this world, i wish i could take him home :'(( but money's the problem. it might a small amount for those rich people, but for me, it's a super huge amount. sorry, Matt, i can't take you home. ( i decided to name him Matt when i first saw him LOL) i wish someone lovely is going to take u home soon. ;((((

ok peeps, i will stop here, school starts next week, which mean i'm really nervous about it and i'm not going to update my blog frequently like i do now.maybe once a week, or once a month, who knows, hahah. bye readers, have a nice day.