Wednesday, May 2, 2012

lalalalalala ;)

hello peeps, how ya doing. i'm doing great here. LOL. so erm, there's nothing i can talk about my life, coz it's just boring. LOL, it's not like i hate boring life, boring life shows u're comfortable with it, at least i have foods, and shelter, and vehicles, thats what matter the most.

so today's the 2nd of May, mum just decided drag me out of the house to buy stuffs needed for form 6. so the first to settle in the list is uniform. i don't know why am i so scare to buy uniform, it's probably i'm scare people knowing how big my waist can be. that is just embarrassing. being a girl is so hard ;( but i love being one :) luckily there's only one worker in the shop and she appears to be friendly, and i guess today's its my lucky day.hahahahahah! and then i also bought the socks, together with the uniform. so uniform (checked), socks (checked).

and then we went to somewhere near mega Hotel are to have our breakfast, well because i'm constantly craving for chicken-feet-noodles (鸡脚面), the first thing the came out of my mind when i eat this dish is my childhood memories.haha, never miss this when i was small.haha. and then there's a pet shop next to this restaurant, oh my gosh!!!!!!! there's one cute golden retriever in there. oh my gee, when the puppies look into my eyes, i almost melt! it's like the cutest thing ever in this world, i wish i could take him home :'(( but money's the problem. it might a small amount for those rich people, but for me, it's a super huge amount. sorry, Matt, i can't take you home. ( i decided to name him Matt when i first saw him LOL) i wish someone lovely is going to take u home soon. ;((((

ok peeps, i will stop here, school starts next week, which mean i'm really nervous about it and i'm not going to update my blog frequently like i do now.maybe once a week, or once a month, who knows, hahah. bye readers, have a nice day.

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