Tuesday, October 14, 2008

another chanllenges~xD

whoo...has been a long time din update my blog ady...
lazy use chinese so juz straight away use english...
forgive me eveli 1..dun blame if dun understand..TT my broken english~

hmm...i ady decided 2 attend the party...
cant wait 2 c other primary classmate...sashiburi desu..lolx(tiz is not english,k??lolx..tiz is japanese mean long time no see..kakaxx...)
hmm....tat day tuition saw shean shin..
he didnt change at all, except 4 his sound lar...eveli time he talk i cant adapted eh, coz in primary his talk wif the sound like gurl..hehexx..anyway, he is juz himself..^^
i ady said soli to tat person le..but she seems like she dont mind..hmm..anyway,
deep in my heart i juz wan us start from d begin..hmm...but its impossible 4 us..coz since we long time din meet ady..well, juz stay like tiz..den eveli things is ok le..

haixx..next week still got test ar..
cannot play until shuang shuang..my holiday spoiled..TT
hmm...i seems like owez worried about them..
they seems like change their personality and attitude ady...
its not like i wan 2 be kepo n control them..well they got their own right 2 wear wat they like..
but it is juz like..hmm..how 2 said..well..eveli thing happened in a blink of an eye?i guess..lolx..
hmm..i still can take it anyway..mayb i need time 2 adapted wif it..hmm...

k..gtg now..bye..n plz gib me sum comment yarhxx.~^^

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