Sunday, January 25, 2009

_we come from different world_

today, a nice day for sure~ ^^ totally wicked~

but it just something bothering me..=(

tomorrow is already Chinese New Year, i really hope this matter won't be bothering me anymore, if i am given a choice, i hope i can erase my memory about this =(

well, maybe it is just my feeling, but how come i feel that, you are far away from me =(
something that aren't easily to approach =(
well, i know u got a lot of friends, but do you treat me as a friend too, it's not like i want to angry with you, the matter is : do you really treat me as your friend?? (i feel very sad about it)

i am persuading me i shall forget about this, but my stupid mind just won't let it be..=(
at least you tell me what happen to you, are u angry with me i wonder..
if YES please tell me i beg you , if NO please tell me too..=(

someone please help me =(

well, maybe we come from different world, different life~ =( i am always the one who being abundant, am i always the one who eat dust =(

Friday, January 23, 2009


ahahahahaha!!! wakakakakaka!! muahahahaha!!
two days more~~Chinese New Year is arriving~ LOL =)

Gong Xi Fa Cai~ ^^
hmm, just finish having my dinner and straight away on9 =) of coz i already take my bath =)
today got a bit tired and a bit too rush, come back from school, relax a while, and the take shower, and then prepared my stuff and books, and then accompany my mom go fetch my sis and straight away go tuition~ 2pm-6pm TTv tomorrow still got tuition, hehexx..
==''shit, cannot log in the game..=='' wth..

today, it's a different day somehow..guess what..hehex our class is celebrating the JANUARIAN (lol, our class word, yea, that's us, creative,lol)~and we all celebrate together with teacher, haha, Thank You very much to our form teacher ^^ gotta study hard to pay back for teacher, lol..=)

something is perplexing me ~ =( but don't know how to explain, it just something boring, and, you know, it just boring, that is, its all i can explain..=)
anyway, hope this problem will go out from my mind and stop bothering..

TT still haven't recover from the incident..heart aching.. TT

Monday, January 19, 2009

totally disappointed..

nothing special happen during this few day. Study, study and study, nothing else than that.
and i feel a bit disappointed with someone..

well, it's a long story, something unhappy...
it was a misunderstanding, no one know what actually was happening behind the truth..(except for somebody who witness the whole thing happen)
and i was the who who being blamed now..
it's not like i want to proof that i ain't the wrong one..
but i was totally totally disappointed, totally totally disappointed...

and the others, can do whatever they want to, this is just unfair, totally unfair! unacceptable!
i hate it, there is no justice in the world, the world is cruel..i am living in the darkness now, i am very ashamed eventhough im not the wrong 1..

i hate it!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

chinese new year is just in the corner~!! ^^

yeah~chinese new year is driving nearer~ ^^ wakakaka~

i had helping my mom for two day~lolx, guess what, i was trying to help her to do some cakes, and biscuits~ looks like i can be a "professional" chef already, lol, just joking anyway~

now studying Geography, while waiting for the video to loading~lol, nice idea eh, lol, u can relax for while, and no need to worry about the homework..lolx~

a bit boring this few day, doing nothing at home, being a lazy, sleeping, watching drama, online~thats all...

yesterday was raining cat and dog, the whole day was just kept raining, some of the places in Miri even flooded~but luckily my house wasn't like other place, it still safe so far, lol, hopr nothing dangerous will ever happen, and now the sky is turning "black", looks like it is going to rain again..TT and the wind is blowing so strong, i think if i ask my little sis standing out side, i guess the wind will blow her away, lol (try to imagine it)lol..better don't let my little sis find out that im talking about her, she definitely will chop my head

ok, gtg now, wish me good luck for the stupid diagnostik


Saturday, January 10, 2009


been a bit busy this few day, after come back from school, and then i have to straight away take my shower, cause i need to accompany my mom fetch my little sister, guess what, i even having my dinner inside the car, lol, it's your fault (my little sis),lolx, im just kidding anyway..and then after fetch her from school, i need to go tuition...=='''

just imagine u have to do this everyday, it is extremely tiring~!! =='''
and guess what now??i am falling sick~!! well, it's not a big matter anyway, i always falling sick..== lol...

im seating for PMR this year, the pressure all over my head..=( BLOODY HELL~
and then i wonder WHAT THE HELL is happening to my school, just come back form school and then we have to seat for the stupid diagnostik test, what the hell, it is causing me a lot of pressure..==''stupid school and stupid rule..we have no time to prepare for this!!and guess wha some of our classmate try to remember the past year's test answer, and i guess they will get a higher mark than before, this is just so unfair...!!==

its weekend today, so i will relax a bit while i can, and then after the test have finish ,i definitely will buy an ice-cream for myself..lolx..

Thursday, January 1, 2009


老师离开,去别地教书~这几天,都一直想到六年级毕业的事情,事情都过了两年,可是现在想起来好像是昨天才发生的事情,只可以说时间过得真得太快了,哈哈,我一时之间都还接受不了,2008年已经成为过去式的了~今天还差点以为是2008年呢~ ==老糊涂~

