Sunday, January 11, 2009

chinese new year is just in the corner~!! ^^

yeah~chinese new year is driving nearer~ ^^ wakakaka~

i had helping my mom for two day~lolx, guess what, i was trying to help her to do some cakes, and biscuits~ looks like i can be a "professional" chef already, lol, just joking anyway~

now studying Geography, while waiting for the video to loading~lol, nice idea eh, lol, u can relax for while, and no need to worry about the homework..lolx~

a bit boring this few day, doing nothing at home, being a lazy, sleeping, watching drama, online~thats all...

yesterday was raining cat and dog, the whole day was just kept raining, some of the places in Miri even flooded~but luckily my house wasn't like other place, it still safe so far, lol, hopr nothing dangerous will ever happen, and now the sky is turning "black", looks like it is going to rain again..TT and the wind is blowing so strong, i think if i ask my little sis standing out side, i guess the wind will blow her away, lol (try to imagine it)lol..better don't let my little sis find out that im talking about her, she definitely will chop my head

ok, gtg now, wish me good luck for the stupid diagnostik


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