Sunday, August 23, 2009

weirdo's feeling

yea, i am back
finally i get my precious pc back
the day without pc at home
was like hell
=(( lolx

today's chapter is...
well i have no idea
there is a hole in my heart now
the emptiness is killing me
someone pls help me
just kidding
did i fooled u?? ngek =))

i just went through an enormous challenge
the pmr trial exam
and well, i have to say that i did some stupid mistake in my exam
how stupid i am
*honestly i am =))


looking at the skywards
the clean air touches her face
the sky is as blue as the sea
so peaceful
and harmony
the children are playing at the field
like an angel singing the harmony's tune
they are as pure as water
the happiness is just around them
as the sky darkening
the stars are hanging on the sky
it is breathtaking

why couldnt we live in the place like this =((??

i want my childhood back

i am already at my wit's end T.T and under a tremendous stress
this feeling is just gonna kill me
boredom =((

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