Tuesday, August 18, 2009

[when you're waiting for....]

do you know that
there are many people
who are destined
to leave a footprint
on our soul

some of the footprints are small
some leaved a deep footprint
on your soul

we couldn't get rid of the footprints
as the footprints
are part of us

but one day
the footprints will vanish
it just the matter of time
it has been taken away by the enormous waves in our soul

people come
people leave
this always happen around us

might be the person who you fall in love with
but if it is not destined
why u still have to persuade yourself that
he/she will come to you
will that happen??

when you're waiting someone in the rain
hoping that person would come and hold the umbrella for you
do you know that you've missed a lot of good things?
and there might be another person
who do the same thing
holding the umbrella
in the rain
and with a great hope in their heart
that you would come
for them

life is like this

it's hard to find the right one
if it is not destined
just let it go
look around
and see the thing around us
u might see that
there is another person
waving their hand
ask you to come for them


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