Wednesday, May 26, 2010

one day left =D

there's only one day left before the holiday~ haha
the time i anticipate the most
just wanna sing miley's song loudly now
" and a jay-z song was on" x 3 *i'm singing it right now xD
this song has caught my attention xD
*again* "moving my hips like yea" xDDDD
i'm over the moon right now
there's a lot of things i want to do during the holidays
but i just couldn't think of any right now
=.= i hate this,seriously
anyway, we just finish designed the t-shirt
and it looks so nice! haha
just can't wait for it
i'm gonna wear it as soon as i get it xD show off xD
haha =D
facing a dilemma right now
do you think it's possible for me to stay in the house
for 3 weeks? LOL,it sounds cool though *i must be crazy
haha, Miri is too bore for me
rather spend my time at home xD
anti-social xD
whatever, this is me =D
yeah yeah, going to buy u-kiss's album soon xD
haha xD
nomu nomu saranghae
♥♥ xD
i've gone crazy for them xDDDDDDDD
what can i do?
they're too hot!!!!

erm,talking about my school life
there's nothing special actually
just a typical school day
most of the time the teacher was busy with their matter
and mostly we just sit in the class
and talk + play
haha, destress ourself ma xD
and so far there's only 2 subject which the teacher already finish marking
math and chinese
talking of chinese
haha, my result sucks ==
though i get a better mark compare to last time
but i know teacher was just giving markah kesian LOL
i would have get a bad result if the teacher didn't do this xD
have to read a lot during this holidays.
you'll laugh if you read my essay LOL xD

okay the post will end here
off to see u-kiss at youtube
CRAZY xD but
i love it

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