Sunday, May 19, 2013


it's 10.50pm right now and instead of going to sleep, I'm still wide awake, doing my last minute revision. I know study at the eleventh hour doesn't help you to improve your mark. But still it is much more better than doing nothing. Mom have been asking me to do my best. and I have already promised me i will, whatever the result is, i know i have already done my best. I don't really like the idea of the purpose of study is to get All A's in your examination,well i know the grades play a crucial parts in your life, but ones should not see grades as their whole life. Enjoy study, and study because u love it, not on behalf of your parents, siblings or friends.Ones should know very clearly whats the purpose of study and not to let examination, grades or results to overweight your passion. A good result will determine which college or university you are going in your future. But one must bear in mind it doesn't change your life or future 100%-ly.

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