Thursday, April 15, 2010


i've just realized that i have to stay on for most of the school days.

monday- pbsm
tuesday- Est class
wednesday- chinese class
thursday- sivik + spbt
friday - free

see? my mom still urged me to study before the exam. and i said: i need time to take bath, eat, do homework and etc.i don't have much time to do study. and then she just walked away. LOL! today we had our civic class after the school. Learning civic is kinda fun because the teacher didn't asked us to read the text, instead of doing that, she discuss with us about the social problems that often happen in the community lately. then i asked : teacher, why are some of the girls and boys are gay and lesbian. i'm very curious of it . LOL. then the teacher explained to us. it was fun though. xD ok,the post end here. before that, i have never ever hate someone so badly. argh.whatever. when i look at you,the fire in my heart starts to burn.i don't know why,i just hate you. =.=

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