Thursday, December 30, 2010

dogs sure are noisy when they don't stop barking. :o
so please i beg you, would you stop barking for a while?
you're making my head dizzy. o.O

Saturday, December 25, 2010

dear Santa...

dear Santa,

hi! err..shall i say "hohoho, Merry Christmas!" instead of saying hi?. LOL. by the way, this is my first time ever i wrote a letter for Santa. =) I got this idea from Phineas and Ferb Christmas Special, in which the kids wrote a letter to Santa. so i found this was quite interesting, and i decided to write a letter to Santa, too. Hopefully he will receive this letter. This post was supposed to be posted by yesterday, but due to some personal reason, so i delayed it. By the way, yesterday's weather was superb! it was sunny all the day, and it was fabulous. So i guess, this is a present from Santa, perhaps. =) err, this is my first time ever doing this, so i don't know what to say. =) let's talk about my Christmas wishes. there were 3 wishes for christmas, but i won't say it out loud here =D
so, i will secretly tell Santa what my wishes are, and hopefully my wishes will be granted by next year. =))) teehee, thanks, Santa.=D and lastly, Merry Christmas!メリークリスマス!!! =D

From: absolute-kind-and-obedient-Me =D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

can't stop loving you

well i guess i'm kinda exaggerate the whole thing on the previous post.
but still i'm not in such a good mood now
i guess this happens every time when i finished a particular anime. urgh..i feel so stupid over this. well, i guess i am stupid.==
err... by the way i've started watching katekyo hitman reborn, and i almost laugh my arse of.c: hahahahah. can't help being this way, the anime is too funny. i prefer action + comedy + romance anime. hahaha.this explains why i don't watch the romance anime, but la corda d'oro is exceptional. xD you can say i'm boyish or whatever. i don't really care, just wanted to be the one i wanted to be. haha.but i still couldn't help myself from thinking some stupid sad things..oh, somebody please help me get out of this. i don't wanna end up my life like this, it's too sad and unacceptable TT

trust you.

i'll be happy if someone says : i trust you.
erm, i've changed my blog's song.
this song, has been my fav for years.
err, i was quite surprise that i never get sick of this song.
coz usually, i don't listen a same song again and again, but this song is exceptional.
well, maybe i'm fond of this song, this is the only explanation i could think of.
been sticking my eyes to the television for almost three days like that?
keep watching my fav anime.
well, i never thought this anime is so thrilling.
but it's kinda sad though, some of my character died. TT
i cried, though.
it's like watching someone you loved so much die in front of you.
omg, my eyes are brimmed with tears again.
luckily there's no people in the house, except the little turtle. i wouldn't mind him see me cry, it's ok after all to reveal my weak spot in front of him instead of my family
i'd rather die then. i hate people see me cry.
i guess i'm back to my old self again.why? no reason. i've been stuck in my own world, and keep imagine something that would never come true. i guess this is painful. knowing that you can't have the one you loved. and again, this is making my tears falling down.
TT. urgh. i hate this feeling.
i'll just watch some comedy to got rid of this stupid retarded feeling.
bye peeps.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

i wonder does eating lots of pineapple makes you fart?
coz i've been farting a lot since yesterday xD

Saturday, December 18, 2010

crazy for Hawaii five-o

i'm in such a desperate to watch the new Hawaii five-o
perhaps it's new so it's hard to find in the web.
and mostly, it's licensed. i was like what the heck. =.=
so i search on some of the chinese website, and i did found some, but only episode 6 and episode 8.even worse, the connection was hell slow. it made me wanna crush everything into pieces,seriously. coz i wanted to watch this series so badly. hmm..and waiting is pretty much i decided to search for it in the AXN Asia official website, and it had my jaw drops until the ground. 07.25am in the morning? you gotta be kidding me, i'm still snoring in my bed room. geez! how am i suppose to watch it???? =((( there's no alternative ways already. or maybe i shall search for the dvd at Speedy..but don't think there's one. so it didn't help much i, i guess i'm gonna watch the rerun on AXN channel. 11.45 pm, and 0310am until 6am in the next morning. well, you'll see a panda in Malaysia tml,and that panda happens to be me xD you can call me crazy or whatever.. coz i admit that i'm crazy. =D now listening to BETH, the best song ever, well, i love the Puckerman version one. hahha,never sick of it. xD
by the way, need to drink coffee later, it would help me to stay awake for the whole day. teehee..oh, the turtle is crawling crazily in the little plastic box again, and it kinda annoys me.LOL, dun worry, i dun kill turtle. but, the food is going to run out soon, guess i will have to visit the store in no time..and replacing the water for the cute adorable little turtle had been a torture for me. THE WATER STINK! LOL..i almost puke when i smell it. LOL. KELLY CHONG YI YING faster comeback and take your turtle back! LOL. and i dun know what happen to this stupid retarded mozilla firefox, it just won't work the way it used to be. shit! and again, my mom is yelling at the kitchen ~AND as always, i'm the target. since the holidays kick off, she's always said "brat, you better get your room clean up!" "brat,clean up your study desk now, i dun wan to see a single dirt or dusk on it, or else, you're doomed!" "you this noxious little brat, better get your hair cut,before i do it on my own, you don't want to see me ruin your hair don't you?" oh geez, that's why i said i din get to enjoy the holidays. =((( LOL. but it was kinda funny to see my mom talking to me that way, and i never scare of you xD mom, i'll wait till you drag me to the salon and only then i'll get my hair cut, so no worries. but since when i've become a brat? LOL, but i won't say that i never are a brat xD ok, this post is too long dy,i will end here then. need to prepare coffee first..bye bye peeps xD

Thursday, December 16, 2010

bragging, whatever...

11 days left before CHRISTMAS truly arrive =D
i found myself stupid to feel this way, i mean i didn't get to celebrate Christmas. but i do like Christmas though. it's my second favourite day, and with no doubt, CHINESE NEW YEAR dominates the first place. =D
So i read the freak guy's blog, i found him as a crazy, no doubt a full time freak and somehow a noxious kind of guy. haha, no offense, i'm just spoke out the fact. but somehow, i couldn't agree more with what he had said. but i don't like the way he talk, always bragging about his F****** S*****. can't exactly tell you what is it, it will be so obvious that i'm talking about this guy, and then I WILL BECOME SO BUSTED. LOL, Candace favourite quote, which is also my fav quote now. =D
watching hawaii five-o now, OMG, i never thought it would be so great that i couldn't take my eyes off it.
oh, it's so sad to say that i've only watched the 1st episode of Glee season 2. how sad, i'm waiting for the whole season to end and i'm gonna watch it all at once. =D crazy,eh? this is who i am. A FULL TIME DRAMA CHASER xD and i'm proud to be one.hehehe. Seriously there's a song called F YOU? and it was sung by Cee Lo Green. LOL, maybe i should sing this in front of those mean girls. but i won't do it, it will only bring down my reputation. and plus, i'm not the rebellious kind of girl xD in fact,i'm LOL, it just that i'm shy to bring this idea out.hahaha.
holidays gonna end soon, you gonna see me crying like a baby who isn't weaning and still ask for mama's breast milk xD hahahhaha... LOL, sorry if i'm being abit rude xD lolx.

again and again...

again, there is another girl commit suicide in china.
and again, the reason is LOVE.
i watched the video which shared by others in facebook.
and i did witness the girl jumped off the building,in the video.
I SWEAR THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I EVER SEE THIS. (though it's not on the spot)
but this is enough to make me have nightmare tonight, or worse, everyday onwards.
by the way, i'm so confused now..
i don't know whether the path i chose is the right one or not.
but i'll continue walk on even if it takes my life time to achieve it.
ehh, i want to watch THE SOCIAL NETWORK! LOL. it would be better if i watch it in the cinema.PERFECT. =D

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


after trapping myself in the toilet for such a long time
my butt hurt so much =.=
and now i knew the consequences for not consume vegetables and fruits in my daily diet
duhh..=.= haha
i was so regret for drinking coffee last night, and i can't sleep :O
but thanks for that, i managed to play HARVEST MOON until midnight and i've earned a few bucks from the shipping hehe, and one more thing i've renovated my house xD LOL so far, i've found 40 harvest sprites, still a long way to go until the harvest goddess awake.

then, i remember i had a nightmare, in which i wish i will never ever been through that kind of situation in reality.
it was all about YOU, the jerk i hated the most in my entire life. well, in that dream, i encountered with you, and i'm supposed to walk by you in reality, coz i hate you so much that i will never wanted to see you (even if it's just one blink)...instead i greeted you and smiled to you in that dream. well, that's enough to make me puke all over my bed, but luckily i didn't puke.or else i'm gonna wash my bed sheet today.
and as expected, you did something to me in the dream, exactly what you did to me last time. haha, like something you would did when you have nothing to do. =.= it's kinda stupid to have you in my dream last night, i wonder why i didn;t slap you, like what had shown in the television screen..LOL, i will laugh till the day i die if i really did it..hahahaa

ok,that's all for today... gtg go now...=D by peeps, stay-tuned =DDDD
*this kind of ending is kinda awkward isn't it? LOL

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i had a crush on Bruno Mars =P
he's cool

Monday, December 13, 2010

love your life.

recently there were lots of people sharing the same link stories.
and it was a guy who commit suicide because of love.
he jumped from his house, a condo i guess, which was 14 floors high.
and he died.
i'm not going to critic his act, he's dead. let's respect him i mean.

Teens, or anybody who's reading my post.
please always remember that you love your life as much as you love yourself.
life is precious. and there's nothing like 'TAKE TWO' in your life.
live your life to the fullest, and when you die, you have no regrets.
die might be easy, but think of your parents and friends first.
9 months of pregnancy,and it's not easy you know, and you're like go away without saying goodbye. sigh....
so peeps, LOVE YOUR LIFE.
that's all i wanna say...

what a suckish day =.=
it's better i don't go out and stay at home better
what use for going out?
always getting scold by someone
shit =.=
when i say i don't want go out
don't give me the stupid damn look
it's really tired to interact with someone like you

and speaking of which
i think i've spoken too much
sorry, can't control myself for being this way
am just too angry already
don't push me to the limit
coz i don't know what will i do
don't make me sabotage or scold those rude words
i will tolerate with you for the time being
and it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want to me
get it?
argh, what a shit day!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

lame post.

hi peeps!
it's been a long time since my last post.
argh, only a few weeks left before the school reopens.
kinda sad though.. =.=
alone in the house now
others went out to have some fun dy..
hahah, dun feel like going out and have fun so i stay at home instead..
i guess i won't be able to watch Rapunzel dy
nevermind then, i'll buy the blue-ray and watch it whenever i want,wakakakak.
ok, lately, i've been so crazy and madly in love with S.M The Ballad..
i wish i could buy the album!
mom, faster come back la.
i'm so hungry ady, hopefully there's my fav sweet and sour pork ribs heheheheh
omg~ =DDD

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

my life is completely a mess lately.
first, i wouldn't and couldn't sleep if the time is not around 11.00++ pm.
second, there are still tons of homework to be completed.
third, i don't know why but i just feel gloomy all the day.

i managed to finish new moon few days ago.
funny right?
i bought the book like..err months ago, i guess, 'months' is inappropriate. but whatever, as long as you understand.
and only a few weeks ago i managed to finish it.
haha. i was sort of regret for selling the ECLIPSE to my friend, i thought i wouldn't be reading it anymore, so i sold it to my friend. but then, i was completely wrong. the story enthralled me! and i couldn't stop reading it. only that it was quite boring in new moon because EDWARD was gone and Bella been through some hard times. it was quite devastating though.haha. i want to watch the movie, but i'll only do that i finished eclipse, only few pages to go! yay =DD
and also, PHINEAS AND FERB lights up my day =DD
haha, it would be better if ferb could talk more.hehe, but he's cool...hehehe
oh, i read the newspaper this morning, there's a news completely shock me. a guy died because he drank too much carbonated drink. what the hell, maybe i should change my diet dy. you know, pepsi is always my fav whenever i go somewhere else. like in the cinema, or fastfood restaurant. no other options. =.=

ok, will stop writing here. need to finish my assignment first.

p/s: a few days ago, something weird happened. i remember it was about the time to go to sleep, and i yawned. then i found that my eyes were brimmed with tears, and the tears rolled down on its own. it's like i'm crying. weird huh..hmm...
never feel this nervous before.
you'll faint after you know the reason why i feel this way.
Victoria visited nichkhun's house in Wgm today..
gosh, even me who sit in front of the computer ady feel the nervousness
and i bet Victoria is x100000000000 even nervous than me
but luckily khun's family is lovely xD

Thursday, December 2, 2010

i'm just an outsider...

i'm just an outsider
so i have no right to judge
but it really hurts my heart whenever i see those words.
i said : it's ok, nevermind.
but actually those words are piercing into my heart
my heart is bleeding now.
did i do the wrong thing?
or everything that i did or we did is wrong?
if i were the old me
i would definitely scold bad words here
but now i'm grown up dy
i'm not feeling angry or anything
just feeling down