Saturday, March 17, 2012

childhood memories.

hi readers! after a two-day hiatus, finally i'm back! LOL. never feel so great before. *don't expect me to tell you why,blerk* xD as you can see, i've change the header of my blog, in my opinion i like it very much, well i'm talking rubbish i wouldn't change it if i don't love it.hehe. and the playlist has changed as well, enjoy the  songs readers, it's my favourite after all hehe. actually i want to put in YG's songs only but then i changed my mind.heheh.

few days ago, my older brother and my sister were chatting in the living room and i joined in their conversation as well. They were talking about things that remind me of my childhood. i have to say kids nowadays are lucky, why would i say so. easy, the 90's kids spent their entire childhood with sand,mud, hide-and-seek and etc but kids nowadays have iphone, ipad, laptop. see the difference? it's sad to see kids nowadays don't play the way like we did, it's their lost.haha (sorry to say this, no offense though,just a piece of my mind)

ok these are the things that reminds me of my childhood.
1. Digimon
here comes the highlight! hehe my brother is the one who introduced digimon in our families, i still remember the excitement when we first watched this. at that time, we rent the tapes from the shop and watch it at home. when we already finish it, we urge our parents to rent new  episodes from the shop. till now it has 6 series. but my favourite series are the I,II,III,and IV. didn't watch the Vand VI one, somehow i didn't see the originality in those 2 series.

and then here comes the cute one! i am sure many of you know this cartoon. i'm not ashamed to admit that
 i still watch this now.hehe! HIGH -FIVE to those who watch it as well.haha. i was attracted by Pikachu's cuteness, Satoshi's never-gave-up-spirits.and the most important thing-----all of the pokemons are so damn adorable. LOL. 


Doraemon! the cutest thing ever in this world. somehow i thought doraemon do exist when i'm still a kid.hehe. i even imagine things i can do when i have doraemon by my side :borrow time machine from doraemon and memorize all the answers in exam and then i don't have to study anymore. or borrow something from him and take revenge on those jerks who pissed me off ;D oh ya and there's one pair of shoes i want to have from doraemon as well. the shoes enable those who wear it to step inside the world of story tales. that just awesome!

and i also play silly things when i'm still a brat. like things below:-
1. bake cookies using mud (not really bake, just put the so-called cookies under the sun and wait for it to get hard.)
2. fishing (with no bait at all as i thought the fish will come to me if i put fishing rod into the water) my own base with scraps
4. boil the water and put some grasses in it ( i called it 'tea')

LOL. can't stop laughing xD look how silly i am. well everybody's silly when they are still small.heheh. wish i could go back to that time. it's just too so much fun. too bad things like time machine doesn't exist.=((
i really appreciate the things and people who appeared in my childhood times, thanks for making my childhood colourful. it's just amazing. and when you grow up, you'll realize things are not as simple as we think when we were small. how i wish i could go back and enjoy the simple but yet happy life i once had.

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