Thursday, March 15, 2012

talking nonsense

i've realized that my blog is boring, like totally boring? can't find anything captive in my blog, it's dull and not worth reading at all.even i myself as the blog owner would make this face (like the picture in the left) when i view my blog. i guess i'm going to admit that i've lost the enthusiasm in managing my blog. it's sad to hear that. but to be honest, i never have the capability in keeping my passion towards something for more than a month, i guess. or a month is already at maximum. i really have to change this attitude or else how i am going to survive in this cruel and reality-based society. it's not about the strong ones survive it's about those who fit well in the society survive. that's the rule. 

when i first made my blog. i want it to be simple and elegant. and now it looked really simple but it's too plain, i guess elegant is too much for me. like stars in the sky, you knew they existed but somehow you couldn't reach for it, it's beyond your capability. and i think i kinda don't remember the reason why i made this blog. LOL. such a piggy head. but then whenever i'm having a bad day or some jerks pissed me, this little place of mine become a good place for me to let it all out. though things couldn't be solved by simply writing at here but it does make you feel better.

i do not know whether people are reading my blog or not, or i'm just having hallucination that i have tons of readers viewing my blog each day,LOL, i don't really care anymore. what important is that i love it. if i don't love it who's going to love it more than i do?? LOL.

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