Sunday, December 30, 2012

Another day to go.

      " Sunday morning rain is falling,steal some covers share some skin..." i start my day with this lovely song sang by Maroon 5, though it's quite an old song already, but a good song never die. =)
So erm, today mom woke me up by 6.45 in the morning, and seriously i thought i couldn't wake up but glad that i make it somehow. The reason why i wake up so early today is because i have registration to be done in school, and frankly speaking, this is my first time ever had my registration on SUNDAY MORNING. But it's nothing special, judging from where i study. SORRY. but this is the fact.

      The registration went smoothly, except the fact that i had to sit there for hours, expecting the koperasi would open soon, so that the teacher could get our exercise books.Then BAAAAAMMM, we are told that we could leave, so i was like DAFUQQ? i waited there for hours and then you're telling me that i'm not going to get my exercise books? Then i should have just left after filling in the form and settled all the fees. And another sad thing to say is that i was elected to be the assistant monitor for our class, well, NOT BASED ON DEMOCRACY like how we elect the candidates in the elections. I WAS CHOSE RANDOMLY.Actually i'm fine for being the vice monitor, but i was told that all the monitors and assistant monitors, will have to join some sort of camp in school, and i suppose the school organise everything, well of course the aim for organising such event is to enhance our leadership skills. hahahahahahaha, like BARACK OBAMA became the PRESIDENT OF USA because he joined some sort of leadership skill camp in school. *sarcasm* I hate camp to the max, and i have never joined one in my life, not like i'm a big fan of campfire and canned food. whatever. this is bothering me since i have finished the registration. But fine, who cares. I will endure everything for one more year, if it'r not for my extra-curricular points, the heck i will become assistant monitor. DON'T misunderstood me for running this post because i'm a devoted students, you've judged me wrongly.

       Two days left and there i say goodbye to holidays. I have always wanted more but too bad there's nothing like 'extra holidays'. I promise myself that i would work my ass off as soon as the school starts, and i will not be slacking off no matter how tired i am. HOPEFULLY i will keep my words, *fingers crossed*. If you ask me whether i have regretted for not using my time wisely during the holidays, well my answer is NO. I have done things i didn't get to do during my study times, and I surely agreed the fact that holidays are meant to be spent on things other than tuition classes and text books. Life is a process where by we are constantly learning everyday, not just from text books, where you learn all those differentiation and integration and everything. We learn things, when we socialize with others. We learn that how much friendship will worth when you get to see people you haven't seen for ages. And we learn how to spare your ears and shoulders when your family members are bothered by troubles. Life is not just about getting good grades, well of course good grades ensure your entrance to your ideal university, but it doesn't ensure you have a bright future. Survival the fittest. Chances goes to those who knows how to grab it, not to those who study everyday and afraid of taking risks. I was rather sad when people know what is the relative atomic mass of oxygen, but doesn't know who is the second man to step on the moon surface. People remember Neil Armstrong as he was the one who leave footstep on Moon but the name of Buzz Aldrin, the second man to land on moon. People enjoy eating KFC, and often do not know the name of the Old Man with black bow tie is Colonel Sanders, who is also the founder of the No.5  largest fast food chain all over the world. See? learning isn't about getting good grades, what for if you learn things merely just to get good grades and you don't even know who is the founder of KFC?? =))

     So, be brilliant people. I figured somehow this has become my favourite phrase. LOL xDD So another day to go before 2012 ends, an early new year greeting from me : HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! repent for those wrong things you have done and don't forget to apologize and ask people to forgive you. =)) Adios!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

When technology dominates the younger generations.

       I'm not trying to sound like an old hag, but like seriously we need to look into this problem. As  the great scientist Albert Einstein once said : " I fear the day when technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots." 

      So as you can see on the picture above, there's a big difference you see up there. In our days, we only have barbie dolls as our toys, and as for the boys, they have the plastic star wars swords, toy cars,  tamagotchi, and bunch of toys made by plastics. But kids nowadays, they have iphones, ipads or anything digital products you can think of. And as a results, you see lots of small kids wearing glasses now, which is totally a sad case.

     There are some side effects regarding this issues, where by the kids are getting more addicted to the digital products and they refuse to go out and they end up being an anti social freaks, not trying to sound offensive, i'm just erm, being factual. Not like all of them will end up that way, but if no further preventive measures are taken i'm sure they will end up with something  pretty bad.

    And erm, also speaking of health, technology certainly have some bad effects on our health. When ones rely too much on technology, they eventually couldn't live without it. When things get serious, expect them to sit in front of the computer for a whole day long. And there comes eye sight problems, obesity due to low involvement in physical activities, and you have diseases associated with obesity are like hypertension, heart disease, probably Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries),diabetes, and skeletal diseases. So the not only we have a generation of idiots, and also we have a generation of unhealthy people.

   Also, parents nowadays seems to be less aware of this issue. They think by providing their kids with those digital thingy and they became the best parents in their world. " I mean, hey i afford things that cost more than 1000 bucks, and it's not like any beggar down the street could afford these to their children. " Accept the fact people, i swear if your ancestor ever heard about this, they are going to jump out of the graveyard and smack hard in your head. Not only the younger generation have problems now, even the parents are having issues. And I know i'm in no position to criticize the way they raise the kids, as i don't even have any kids on my own. But seriously, the parents should bear in mind, raising your kids with love and care doesn't mean you let your children indulge in luxury. And studies have proven that,if kids have a higher accessibility to the digital products like mobile phone, computers, they dumber they get in the future. Which means it's not good to their intelligence quotient, or IQ. You want your kids get dumber?? easy, buy them all those stuff. ;)

    To cut it short, the purpose i'm writing this post is not condemn the use of technology. Technology makes our lives easier, that's the fact and indeed, under some circumstances we need it. But people should be rational, try not to let these rule your life. So, be brilliant, people. =))) 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


     So, I have decided that before the school breaks ended, which means i still a few days to go before real nightmares start, I want to finish all the television series that i have always wanted to watch. Here comes, the series i'm watching----Bones.

     I directly start with the season 8, as i couldn't find any websites that actually allow me to download or watch it for FREE. So i have no choice but to start it with season 8. Honestly, it's hard for me to catch up with what they say, regarding the fact that i have a hard time recognizing all the characters' names. LOL, But things do get better after watching a few episodes.

    So, erm, this series is similar with CSI, thriller, solving crime, forensics and bla bla bla.haha. The only things it is different from CSI is that the dead bodies found were in a condition where by it is highly decomposed, or in a condition when u see it, you'll puke. But I really love the way they create the fake corpse, it's so real that you think it's a real dead body in there. My brother said that i might ended up being a sadistic or any disgusting psychopath, but who cares, i just love the series. HAHA =))

    So i have to go now, to finish the rest of the episodes, bye readers!!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

promises are...

  As usual, here i am again, to write about what's happening in my life lately. I've been trying hard to get my ass on the chair and study whatever i'm going to learn in the semester, sadly, things had just proven that my procrastination is directly proportional to my butt, it gets bigger as each day passes. woots. Sorry if you find this disturbing, i just can't think of any example that fits perfectly in this situation.

  So, speaking of promises, the first word that came to my mind is 'lies'. Somehow in my logical thinking, these two words are interconnected to each other. Probably i have been through situations which make me basically don't trust in promises anymore. I'm not trying to condemn every promise made by other people out there, of course there's always people who can actually keep their words, even in the most dire situation. What i'm speaking is my personal point of view, like it or despite it, it's your own choice.

   "Promises are meant to be broken."------ This is what you get when you google 'promises are...', the good thing is that i'm not the only pessimistic people out there, most people seem to be broken hearted about promises. Are promises meant to be broken?? For the majority, YES.

   People made promises, and eventually forgot about the words and responsibilities, if you were to ask me to provide something scientific reason to explain this phenomena, i would come up with like immaturity?? Well, albeit i'm a science student and i know you guys expect me to come out with scientific name, like they have too much hormones in the bloodstream, which prompt them to forgot whatever they have said when a second has passed, or perhaps, they've smelled too much chlorine gas and like have a short term memory loss, duh, i will passed on that. I am a science students, but it's not going to change the fact that i despise to dwell with the scientific name and all those mathematics expression, i've had enough of that already! Sorry, i'm kinda out of control. So let's get back on track, men are always linked to broken promises, don't they? I'm trying to sound not offensive as much as possible, but then i will waste too much times on this, so i'll just cut it out.

  People always wonder why men don't keep their words, and surprisingly, i do not know the answers too. Everyday on the newspaper, you read about husbands cheating on wives, or husbands being caught red handed while having intimacy with their mistresses. But, things has changed our perspectives right now. Even women has decided to turn their back on their husband, by having pleasure with their so called 'xiao wang/小王' in Chinese. And just yesterday, i read a similar news again, but this time, it's about a woman, who's old enough to be a grandmother,having affair, which means she cheats on her husband. And in Singapore, there's a white collar woman, is willing to sacrifice her body in order to get promoted. So does this means that their threw away their fidelity and respects towards their partner in order to trade for excitement, or whatever they have longed for?? well, who knows. 


  If only people matters promises, taking it as a real important things in life, not merely just words they make to entertain, or to satisfy others. Promises are a sign of respect, a sign of commitment towards each other. Don't make it if you have no faith in yourself that you are going to keep every single word you said. If promises are meant to be kept, there will be no broken families, no dead bodies of infants found in the garbage, no broken hearted people, no children crying on the streets begging for foods and shelter, and lastly no wars. Let's make our days a better tomorrow, a better place to live by keeping our words, that is to love, to share and,to accept each other and to smile despite what may comes to destroy our faith. peace. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! FELIZ NAVIDAD!

Monday, December 17, 2012

once in a while, i just want to...ROAR!

two post in a day, isn't too much eh, i guess?? LOL.
Been feeling not well this few days, probably caused by the heavy downpour during few days back then. I've been trying so hard to get myself away from any possible outbreak of infectious diseases, but this time, the virus won. I guess it's time to swallow a bucket of raw garlic, as studies has shown that garlic is a good choice to boost up your immune system. haha, but people can smell i eat garlic even they are miles away from me, so i might as well give up on this idea. well, people get sick everyday, so, who cares, it's not a big deal.

when i first wrote this post, i have no idea what to put in the title box, so i just whatever that came up to my mind, but like seriously, i just wanna get crazy right now. I have no idea why i am behaving this way, but i just did. haha, sorry for talking nonsense, i have no idea what i'm talking right now, err, i definitely did not smoke marijuana or any dose of drugs, and seriously i don't need that to get me on the cloud nine. 

there's one week left before school starts, and as much as i hate to admit it, THE SCHOOL IS REOPEN SOON. that's when hell comes. stacks of papers,exercises, and the teachers never seem tired of giving assignments, and the face they made when you couldn't meet their expectation, and the extra-curricular activities, the whole thing about school, seems WRONG. especially when you're studying in the deadliest place in town. ggrrrr, just one more year, i'm gonna be free from this hell, and there comes my getaway. woohoo!!!!!! but trust me, in the end i'm going to be just me, the social pariah who seems to forever got stuck at home. i have no idea where i'm going to after my studies ended, well, might as well, be an empty plastic bottle floating in the nowhere of Atlantic ocean, that was just so aimless and horrible. serious hair fall always happen when school is about to start, someone please get me outta here, i don't wanna go back to that school, to that stuffy classroom of mine and counting days when the whole thing is going to end.  by the way, wonder will i be able to fit in my school dress, gained few pounds as soon as holidays kick off. ggrrr, another thing to be bothered again. 

sigh! wish tomorrow is going to be a better day, fingers crossed. =)))

by the way before i end this post, allow me to share a song that i've been listening to recently.
a song written and sang by a talented guy came from china. i'm addicted to this song, hope somebody is going to sing me this song, i'm definitely fall for whoever sang me this song! *melting*

hope you guys enjoy the song!

unspoken dream

when i was a kid, there are times i wish i would grow up and be somebody me and my family proud of.
perhaps, a doctor who save people's life, or somebody with a high social status.
But when i grow up, i realized that things seldom work out the way we want them to.
it is always easier said than done, and that's when we realize that things are not as easy as we thought it would be. 
Somehow, deep within my heart there's an unspoken dream of mine. There it lies silently in my heart, so delicate that i'm afraid i might break it. 

I've always wanted to be a writer.
Someone who is able to express her feelings through words.
i have never share this dream of mine to anyone, or maybe i did it just that i forgot. LOL.
people say: never give up on your dream and eventually you are going to achieve it.
But given the situation right now, it is kinda impossible to achieve what i want.
when you grow up, you'll know you can't go straight forward when there's a huge bump in front of you, that's how sarcastic it is, we know there's bump, and we know there's a way to overcome to bump, but we ended up taking the easy way out-----to give up.
sadly, i'm the coward who has given up this unspoken dream of mine.
it might be the biggest mistake i've made, and maybe i am never meant to be a writer, WHO KNOWS.but one thing for sure is that i'm never ever going to give up my passion in writing.


ANYWAY, rest in peace. to those kids and adults who died in the gunshot in Sandy Hook elementary school. Deepest condolence to the victims' families and friends and to all American.