Monday, December 17, 2012

unspoken dream

when i was a kid, there are times i wish i would grow up and be somebody me and my family proud of.
perhaps, a doctor who save people's life, or somebody with a high social status.
But when i grow up, i realized that things seldom work out the way we want them to.
it is always easier said than done, and that's when we realize that things are not as easy as we thought it would be. 
Somehow, deep within my heart there's an unspoken dream of mine. There it lies silently in my heart, so delicate that i'm afraid i might break it. 

I've always wanted to be a writer.
Someone who is able to express her feelings through words.
i have never share this dream of mine to anyone, or maybe i did it just that i forgot. LOL.
people say: never give up on your dream and eventually you are going to achieve it.
But given the situation right now, it is kinda impossible to achieve what i want.
when you grow up, you'll know you can't go straight forward when there's a huge bump in front of you, that's how sarcastic it is, we know there's bump, and we know there's a way to overcome to bump, but we ended up taking the easy way out-----to give up.
sadly, i'm the coward who has given up this unspoken dream of mine.
it might be the biggest mistake i've made, and maybe i am never meant to be a writer, WHO KNOWS.but one thing for sure is that i'm never ever going to give up my passion in writing.


ANYWAY, rest in peace. to those kids and adults who died in the gunshot in Sandy Hook elementary school. Deepest condolence to the victims' families and friends and to all American.

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