Sunday, December 30, 2012

Another day to go.

      " Sunday morning rain is falling,steal some covers share some skin..." i start my day with this lovely song sang by Maroon 5, though it's quite an old song already, but a good song never die. =)
So erm, today mom woke me up by 6.45 in the morning, and seriously i thought i couldn't wake up but glad that i make it somehow. The reason why i wake up so early today is because i have registration to be done in school, and frankly speaking, this is my first time ever had my registration on SUNDAY MORNING. But it's nothing special, judging from where i study. SORRY. but this is the fact.

      The registration went smoothly, except the fact that i had to sit there for hours, expecting the koperasi would open soon, so that the teacher could get our exercise books.Then BAAAAAMMM, we are told that we could leave, so i was like DAFUQQ? i waited there for hours and then you're telling me that i'm not going to get my exercise books? Then i should have just left after filling in the form and settled all the fees. And another sad thing to say is that i was elected to be the assistant monitor for our class, well, NOT BASED ON DEMOCRACY like how we elect the candidates in the elections. I WAS CHOSE RANDOMLY.Actually i'm fine for being the vice monitor, but i was told that all the monitors and assistant monitors, will have to join some sort of camp in school, and i suppose the school organise everything, well of course the aim for organising such event is to enhance our leadership skills. hahahahahahaha, like BARACK OBAMA became the PRESIDENT OF USA because he joined some sort of leadership skill camp in school. *sarcasm* I hate camp to the max, and i have never joined one in my life, not like i'm a big fan of campfire and canned food. whatever. this is bothering me since i have finished the registration. But fine, who cares. I will endure everything for one more year, if it'r not for my extra-curricular points, the heck i will become assistant monitor. DON'T misunderstood me for running this post because i'm a devoted students, you've judged me wrongly.

       Two days left and there i say goodbye to holidays. I have always wanted more but too bad there's nothing like 'extra holidays'. I promise myself that i would work my ass off as soon as the school starts, and i will not be slacking off no matter how tired i am. HOPEFULLY i will keep my words, *fingers crossed*. If you ask me whether i have regretted for not using my time wisely during the holidays, well my answer is NO. I have done things i didn't get to do during my study times, and I surely agreed the fact that holidays are meant to be spent on things other than tuition classes and text books. Life is a process where by we are constantly learning everyday, not just from text books, where you learn all those differentiation and integration and everything. We learn things, when we socialize with others. We learn that how much friendship will worth when you get to see people you haven't seen for ages. And we learn how to spare your ears and shoulders when your family members are bothered by troubles. Life is not just about getting good grades, well of course good grades ensure your entrance to your ideal university, but it doesn't ensure you have a bright future. Survival the fittest. Chances goes to those who knows how to grab it, not to those who study everyday and afraid of taking risks. I was rather sad when people know what is the relative atomic mass of oxygen, but doesn't know who is the second man to step on the moon surface. People remember Neil Armstrong as he was the one who leave footstep on Moon but the name of Buzz Aldrin, the second man to land on moon. People enjoy eating KFC, and often do not know the name of the Old Man with black bow tie is Colonel Sanders, who is also the founder of the No.5  largest fast food chain all over the world. See? learning isn't about getting good grades, what for if you learn things merely just to get good grades and you don't even know who is the founder of KFC?? =))

     So, be brilliant people. I figured somehow this has become my favourite phrase. LOL xDD So another day to go before 2012 ends, an early new year greeting from me : HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! repent for those wrong things you have done and don't forget to apologize and ask people to forgive you. =)) Adios!

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