Monday, December 17, 2012

once in a while, i just want to...ROAR!

two post in a day, isn't too much eh, i guess?? LOL.
Been feeling not well this few days, probably caused by the heavy downpour during few days back then. I've been trying so hard to get myself away from any possible outbreak of infectious diseases, but this time, the virus won. I guess it's time to swallow a bucket of raw garlic, as studies has shown that garlic is a good choice to boost up your immune system. haha, but people can smell i eat garlic even they are miles away from me, so i might as well give up on this idea. well, people get sick everyday, so, who cares, it's not a big deal.

when i first wrote this post, i have no idea what to put in the title box, so i just whatever that came up to my mind, but like seriously, i just wanna get crazy right now. I have no idea why i am behaving this way, but i just did. haha, sorry for talking nonsense, i have no idea what i'm talking right now, err, i definitely did not smoke marijuana or any dose of drugs, and seriously i don't need that to get me on the cloud nine. 

there's one week left before school starts, and as much as i hate to admit it, THE SCHOOL IS REOPEN SOON. that's when hell comes. stacks of papers,exercises, and the teachers never seem tired of giving assignments, and the face they made when you couldn't meet their expectation, and the extra-curricular activities, the whole thing about school, seems WRONG. especially when you're studying in the deadliest place in town. ggrrrr, just one more year, i'm gonna be free from this hell, and there comes my getaway. woohoo!!!!!! but trust me, in the end i'm going to be just me, the social pariah who seems to forever got stuck at home. i have no idea where i'm going to after my studies ended, well, might as well, be an empty plastic bottle floating in the nowhere of Atlantic ocean, that was just so aimless and horrible. serious hair fall always happen when school is about to start, someone please get me outta here, i don't wanna go back to that school, to that stuffy classroom of mine and counting days when the whole thing is going to end.  by the way, wonder will i be able to fit in my school dress, gained few pounds as soon as holidays kick off. ggrrr, another thing to be bothered again. 

sigh! wish tomorrow is going to be a better day, fingers crossed. =)))

by the way before i end this post, allow me to share a song that i've been listening to recently.
a song written and sang by a talented guy came from china. i'm addicted to this song, hope somebody is going to sing me this song, i'm definitely fall for whoever sang me this song! *melting*

hope you guys enjoy the song!

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