Monday, December 24, 2012

promises are...

  As usual, here i am again, to write about what's happening in my life lately. I've been trying hard to get my ass on the chair and study whatever i'm going to learn in the semester, sadly, things had just proven that my procrastination is directly proportional to my butt, it gets bigger as each day passes. woots. Sorry if you find this disturbing, i just can't think of any example that fits perfectly in this situation.

  So, speaking of promises, the first word that came to my mind is 'lies'. Somehow in my logical thinking, these two words are interconnected to each other. Probably i have been through situations which make me basically don't trust in promises anymore. I'm not trying to condemn every promise made by other people out there, of course there's always people who can actually keep their words, even in the most dire situation. What i'm speaking is my personal point of view, like it or despite it, it's your own choice.

   "Promises are meant to be broken."------ This is what you get when you google 'promises are...', the good thing is that i'm not the only pessimistic people out there, most people seem to be broken hearted about promises. Are promises meant to be broken?? For the majority, YES.

   People made promises, and eventually forgot about the words and responsibilities, if you were to ask me to provide something scientific reason to explain this phenomena, i would come up with like immaturity?? Well, albeit i'm a science student and i know you guys expect me to come out with scientific name, like they have too much hormones in the bloodstream, which prompt them to forgot whatever they have said when a second has passed, or perhaps, they've smelled too much chlorine gas and like have a short term memory loss, duh, i will passed on that. I am a science students, but it's not going to change the fact that i despise to dwell with the scientific name and all those mathematics expression, i've had enough of that already! Sorry, i'm kinda out of control. So let's get back on track, men are always linked to broken promises, don't they? I'm trying to sound not offensive as much as possible, but then i will waste too much times on this, so i'll just cut it out.

  People always wonder why men don't keep their words, and surprisingly, i do not know the answers too. Everyday on the newspaper, you read about husbands cheating on wives, or husbands being caught red handed while having intimacy with their mistresses. But, things has changed our perspectives right now. Even women has decided to turn their back on their husband, by having pleasure with their so called 'xiao wang/小王' in Chinese. And just yesterday, i read a similar news again, but this time, it's about a woman, who's old enough to be a grandmother,having affair, which means she cheats on her husband. And in Singapore, there's a white collar woman, is willing to sacrifice her body in order to get promoted. So does this means that their threw away their fidelity and respects towards their partner in order to trade for excitement, or whatever they have longed for?? well, who knows. 


  If only people matters promises, taking it as a real important things in life, not merely just words they make to entertain, or to satisfy others. Promises are a sign of respect, a sign of commitment towards each other. Don't make it if you have no faith in yourself that you are going to keep every single word you said. If promises are meant to be kept, there will be no broken families, no dead bodies of infants found in the garbage, no broken hearted people, no children crying on the streets begging for foods and shelter, and lastly no wars. Let's make our days a better tomorrow, a better place to live by keeping our words, that is to love, to share and,to accept each other and to smile despite what may comes to destroy our faith. peace. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! FELIZ NAVIDAD!

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