Wednesday, December 24, 2008


today..wake up quite early...TT
because Christmas and new year is just in the corner..
so i have to help my mom to clean the house..
being a free charge kakak for this whole

it's so tired..but then we only spend 2 hours like that to clean the house..i'm sweating like i juz coming back from swimming..XD..
hooray, no need to wake up so early
*sigh* i didn't even read the BM novel for this whole holidays..
dugong surely will scold me this time..
no idea..will read it later..but feel so lazy to do it..
i have no interest in the novel, but still have to read it..or else, i think i'm gonna fail in my exam...

yesterday kept telling ghost story during tuition class..
lol..trying to scared the small kid inside the classroom, but i'm afraid the principle will scold me, so i just kept quiet and doing my homework...and listened to the teacher's ghost 1 story was really horrible, and it just happened to one of the student which was also the student of the tuition center, but he/she is in night class one...-.-

the story is like this, the student went to Tanjung Lubang (one of the Miri's beach)..and it was sunset at that time..then the student want to take the photo of the sunset before he/she went home..and then something horrible happened..!! ><'''the student used his/her handphone to take the photo, and the when the image come out, something that are not supposed to be in the picture come out..guess what??? inside the photo there was a head floating at there and the things seems like want to hug the student or whatever i don't gosh..!!bloody hell..-.-'''..and then the student wanted to delete the photo but the she/he cant, she/he kept pressing the 'delete' button, but it didn't worked at all...almost one week like that he/she trying to delete the photo, but it just didn't worked..(bloody hell..)then the student just threw away the phone..*end of the story* well, for me this is just...u know, enough to make me cry 4 a whole day, no, three days i guess...this is know..unbelievable...><

and after and my primary friend Yuen Ting, keep talking about instrumental and music..this is the topic we can discuss for whole time during the tuition period..haha..XD..she said that she want to bring her keyboard to my house and learn together like pleasure..^^but don't know when will she come to my house...feeling very excited..hehe..because i never learn to play a piano or keyboard to go now..and i smell some unpleasant smell..yuckxx.. ==''~bye~

X x Lovez, Qianz x X

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