Sunday, December 21, 2008

untitled again..=)

a very nice day though i just staying at home for this whole day...^^
hmm...wake up at 8am like that..and then having laksa as my breakfast..yummy..=)
and then watched MYSTERIOUS INCREDIBLE TERMINATOR..hehe..MY GOD..Aaron is so hot~..=) episode is getting more excited..^^

and then..have a long chat with my childhood best friend..she want to cut her hair short..hehe..i bet it must be very nice..she is natural pretty 1..hehe...*sigh*the holidays almost end, still not enough eh..wish this holiday never end, then i no need to face with school, uncountable homework, teacher and that stupid principle..=='''

been worrying about my future a lot during this holidays..3 years later i'm gonna finish my secondary life and achieve my own dream..doubt that whether i can do it or not..u know, it seems like impossible..i don't have self confidence, this is why i don't like myself..hope myself can be more braver than i was..TTv..

Christmas is just in the corner..Merry X'mas to you all~all of my friends..have a nice and sweet Christmas with your dearest one and happy always~ *HAPPY GO LUCKY*
keep smiling and happy everyday then you will be more lucky..hehe...

X x Lovez, QianZ x X

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