Saturday, November 7, 2009

[a memorable day with my precious friends]

*lolx, Daph as we promised, i uploaded the picture! ahakz!!

-you're captured on the screen-!! =))

so today i went out with my friends again
and now my purse is getting "slimmer" than before
guess that you all get it what i was trying to say right?
i spent a lot today, and everything was like out of my expectation
never thought that i would spent a lot today
still thought that i can save up some money so that maybe next time i won't have to beg money from my mom ='< hmm, first of all, we waited for somebody for so long, hehe, Daph, you owe us an apology~ lolx, you came so late.. since Daphne had her lunch (actually is breakfast) ady, so kelly and i decided to went to PP cafe to have our lunch.. the food was really appetizing and mouth watering,lolx =) if next time you guys were hesitating where to have your lunch, just go to PP cafe..the price was not so expensive like other restaurant do..=) and the food was okay we gossip about some people and some 0ldies haha! then we went back to Boulevard again..or else Mavis couldn't find us..after that i was very thirsty, That time Mavis already went back with her brother so it only left me, Daph, and kelly..we sit at xiao mu chuan~and again we gossip and spying again..this is what we like to do when we have nothing to do, haha, you can't take control of us, wakaka!currently listening to tank's song-ru guo wo bian cheng hui yi =)) erm, then i saw him~ haha!then we went upstairs and buy something lar..we asked Daph to put on some shirts and thanks god, the shirst really suited her! as she was the slimest among us, so thats why we asked her to put on those shirt, but unfortunalely,she didn't bring enough money, or else we will force her to buy away those shirt..from now on, i realize that, being slim is really good! so regret ='< but instead of regretting for everything i've done, doing something is better right? hmm~ then again we went to ice city again~milk ice was out of stock, so i just choose strawberry ice with coco flakes, it was delicious though~ hmm..=))

thats all for today~ bb =))

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