Wednesday, March 31, 2010
just back from school i had chinese class just now,it was fun xD haha,tml we got chinese extra class,and each one of us is going to give a short talk based on the topic given in front of the class..LOL! teacher said she would record it make it into a video! Omg! maybe i should put on some powder on my face tml,lol,kidding la,i never make up to school,it's very inappropriate,isn't not?
By the way, my 'best friend' just come and visit me today,what the heck~ same day with Kelly LOL...HAHAHA...i'm starving now...=( didn't had my breakfast today..and i starve easily when my period come..LaLaLaLa,whatever..i'm gonna put on lots of weight later... looks like it is going to rain soon,yeah,more rain pls,i want to sleep well tonight..
ok bye here xD i want to customize my blog i'll just make the post short and simple enough..the post ends here xDD bye bye
Monday, March 29, 2010
somehow i think the life is not that bored! i start to love my life somehow! i want to be positive minded,i want to get rid of those who does not see and treat me as a friend,i want to hit those whoever talk something bad when i'm not around! haha,call me crazy babeh,i don't care,coz i'm crazy-ing now xD haha, i've just listed down some of my life's target..see here~ hard
2.earn lots of money nice to my friends,they are my treasure
4.i want to travel to every corner of the world with my own money xDDD
5. Buy lots of Chinese literature book xD to be good in chinese subject x) and other subject as well
Life's GREAT!!!! WOOOHOOOO xD i don't why im feeling this way,but i'm happy now heeeheee...
anyway,i discovered a song just now,it's a theme song of a singapore drama..
here's the lyrics...
一条街有多长 年少就多长
我时常都回到 昨天去徜徉
那外面有多大 用笑声去丈量
你背影有多长 思念就多长
我们总是这样 借彼此肩膀
我们总是错过 幸福那一站
拥有了全世界 可是你却看不见
我宁愿重回到那一年 牵着去你看明天
失去了全世界 还有你在我身边
能不能重回到那一年 你的梦 我的歌 蓝的天 叫永远
失去了全世界 可是你却看不见
我宁愿重回到那一年 牵着去你看明天
失去了全世界 还有你在我身边
能不能重回到那一年 你的梦 我的歌 蓝的天 叫永远
能不能重回到那一年 你的梦 我的歌 蓝的天 叫永远
♥though i'm not pretty
but i love myself♥
before you start to learn how to love others
you ought to love yourself first
you'll know the meaning of 'LOVE'
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
hmm~ xD
there are something i've just listed down in the school just now, i was damn bored xD
---> things i can't live without
9.sushi spectacles
and lastly LISTERINE xD owh,cant imagine my life without listerine
okay end here xD lol,i know im lame xD haha
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
i seriously need an idea x(
Saturday, March 20, 2010
update xD
you know what,i still got lots of homework havent finish....argh,monday,school! i hate school,honestly..and you know what,i feel like i want to stay in this condition forever and ever..==argh,whatever,just get me away from homework,very anti that now..
anyway, i started to watch anime again,this is not a new anime,i've watched it two years ago,but then i stop watching it that time,which i forgot why..and now i decide to continue watch it again..haha,and this is making me happy,i forgot everything when i'm soooooo into something! haha!

anyway,gtg now...want to go finish my moral tugasan harian,this sucks! gosh!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
tagged by su fang xD
① 被点者请在自己的网志上打上答案
② 请传给另外十个人
③ 传阅人请在这十位被点的人的留言板上通知他,他被点咯!
④ 这当中的十位不得拒绝
⑤ 被点者请注明被谁点了在哪里接到再传给下十位
⑥ 这些被点名者,你们被点会祝福
⑦ 不可回点哦,并且愿望会实现和得到幸福坐上幸福热气球,开始咯~
① 绰号: 邱子/倩子/1000号/Qian
② 星座: pisces
③ 生日:14-03-1994
④ 兴趣: 上网!阅读~看戏,跟朋友看电影
⑤ 血型:0 呱
⑥ 最宝贵的东西:朋友,家人,未来,钱~
⑦ 最讨厌的东西: 青蛙,壁虎,一切会蠕动的动物,哈哈
① 有喜欢的人吗:没有~单身最爽
② 有交往吗:没有啦
③ 幸福吗:可以啦
④ 他很爱你吗:无言
⑤ 如果你有勇气最想做什么: 跟我喜欢的人告白 (haha,很白目)
① 你被谁点:su fang
② 他是你的谁:我的好朋友
③ 他的个性是:很开朗~
④ 他长得怎样:靓女!~
⑤ 跟他认识多久:九年呱~
⑥ 你想跟他说什么:你好可爱~哈哈哈哈
⑦ 如果他变成你的情人:haha,我不搞那种的 xD
① 最爱的音乐:can't let you go even if i die by 2am
① 最爱的季节:秋天
③ 最爱的卡通:Tom and Jerry, Bleach xD haha
④ 最爱的颜色:white,black,gold and sky blue
⑤ 最想去的国家:korea, England,Kenya
⑥ 最爱的水果:荔枝~龙眼
⑦ 最爱的饮料:justea xD
⑧ 最爱的人:朋友跟家人
① 你很爱哭吗:有时 xD
② 你很爱笑吗:很爱!xDD
③ 你是很有信心的人吗:严重缺乏自信心
④ 你想要怎样的生活:快乐,自由,舒适的
⑤ 你喜欢自己吗:还好啦
⑥ 你喜欢音乐吗:非常喜欢
⑦ 你喜欢体育吗:还好
⑧ 你喜欢跳舞吗:不会跳舞,xD
⑨ 你很专情吗:我见一个爱一个xD hahaha
⑩ 你喜欢睡觉吗:还好啦
2. daphne
3. yuky yee
4.carey xiao gui
5. mavis
6.nicholas chong
7. kelvin wong
8.yumiko ling
9.sze yin
10.kohana suk hui
[一号是男的还是女的]: girl!
[七号跟三号在一起吗]: 是
[你会追求四号吗]: 哈哈,我不是那种人
[你爱七号吗]: 不!
[十号跟你告白]:她是女的 ==
Tell me your wish :
Thursday, March 11, 2010
i am freed !
first of all, we are freed from the exams~woohoo,what a relief~ but seeing all my senior come to school and get their result is making me even more nervous.well, i am the type of person who is very concern about exam,future and money.Argh!Next year,we are going to face the biggest challenge in my life.and i dont know where should i go after graduate.ARGH!!!! hmm,the last exam-physic~i regret for not studying it harder or else i could have done it better.ah la,whatever, what done has been done,no more regret...there are some papers which are already given back to us,well i'll reveal my result here.p/s:i'm not trying to show off!if you think i am,get lost!
chinese: 60% (it was really unexpected,i thought i would get fail for this subject!haha..i'll try harder next time, for our teacher's sake!haha)
English : 80% (argh,careless)
History : 62% (i should be grateful that i didnt get fail for this subject,as half of the people got G9!omg~the highest is only 74 or something,but the particular used dirty trick!hmm,don't want to say it this seriously ruin our class image)
chemistry: 77% (i got the highest mark,but im not satisfied with this)
modern maths : 94% ( i could get 100,if only i didnt missed a few steps in solving the question! wtf)
there is a big gap between form 3 and form 4,should i say the problem occurs due to the syllabus? haha,whatever... anyway,just received a news from my friends,saying that lots of teacher is gossiping about our class..well, honestly,i hate to be in the center of attention..they said that we are not going well with each other in the class..(as our class consist a few students which were originally from next door last year)..hello, it's just March~==haizz
anyway,got tons of homework to be done within the holidays! especially 8 essay for Bm! my god,i feel as if i am gonna die soon..anyway,off now.. xDD bb peeps~
Monday, March 8, 2010
you've become a stranger
you've become a stranger..
History examination tml! argh, though i remember how the story goes,but i couldnt memorize all of it! they said the exam very tough,feel like want to curse to person who create the question~ omg, i'll be very grateful if i can get pass for this subject~what is ther purpose for studying history? you know what,my elder brother had a crush on this subject ever since he starts to learn this subject.i like this subject too,but since the questions come out in structure form,so it kinda makes me pissed off. why not in objective form?~ i dont know why people always want to make things complicated..i can hardly stand the wait now..! i'm waiting for the holidays to come..i want to watch lots of tv programs as many as i can..i want to surf the net all day long..! i dont wanna live my life under the pressure, tension and stress..unfortunately,we got only one week of holiday~ argh,better then never..anyway,my birthday is just around the corner~which make me kind of anxious and somehow a little bit sad..i'm turning 16 on this saturday,which means i'm growing older~hahahaha~nevermine,just accept the fact i've become older.
ok,gtg to memorize all the history fact~ to be honest to say,it is a kind of torture~BB,peeps ~ =D
Saturday, March 6, 2010
still have one week to go before the holidays starts. i just can't wait for the day to come! i seriously need to take a break! sigh,later still got three hours of tuition which make me really sick! i don't like tuition but i have to go,my mum don't want me to skip any tuition classes anymore. hmm, there's nothing i really want to talk about,just want to share something here with the fellow readers. do you think that the world is fair enough? i hate to say this but i have to. There are some people who don't know how to appreciate us. As a human, we have done all we could do to help you,but no one ever seem to appreciate even one..funny right? but then when something went wrong, they all point their fingers at us, we are the one who should be blamed in their thought. I don't know why and how could they think like this, perhaps we are too nice to be bullied by them. i find myself so fake in front of those people.
though i don't like the idea, but i say i like it.
though i don't want to take up the responsibility,but i did it at last.
though i smile in front of you, but my tears drops as your back turn on me.
**though i say i love you, but i actually hate you.**
i'm trying my best to keep everything under the control, but the plan fails. we start to complaint as no one wants to appreciate our contribution. i think every one did the same thing when no one seems to be grateful of what we have done and contribute to the community.but our case even worse. we get scold just because of a tiny little matter. you're overreacting which make me really sick and angry. people only apologize after they realized what they have done. But do you know that, words couldn't be taken back no matter how many times you apologize. Words leave scars. i don't know whether we have done anything wrong at the first place. but i don't want to argue with you over this matter,it makes feel as if i'm childish. to be honest to say, IHU~!
I dont want to be a coward, so thats why i express my thought here! i feel as if i was reborn xD
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The exam is not over yet,maybe next week i guess.. as we didn't follow the schedule..But at least we don't have to rush.. and how i wish tomorrow is holiday..but still have one week to go. let's talk about my school life..despite of the homework and activities,my school life is still okay. i enjoy the time when we talk about something crazy in the class with my friends. LOL so glad to have them. so far,i realize that i'm not paying attention on my study. I want to,but something is keeping me away from studying. There's one time when my civic teacher asked me about my ambition, and i answered : i don't know. unlike others, i'm not determine about my future. but i think it's time for me to decide which path shall i choose. =((