Saturday, March 20, 2010

update xD

and now i am very sure that the concert does begins already..omg,how sad i am for not being able to attend the concert,to be one of the member to support them!this is going to be the biggest regret in my life ever..=(( argh x( sad sad sad....

you know what,i still got lots of homework havent finish....argh,monday,school! i hate school,honestly..and you know what,i feel like i want to stay in this condition forever and ever..==argh,whatever,just get me away from homework,very anti that now..
anyway, i started to watch anime again,this is not a new anime,i've watched it two years ago,but then i stop watching it that time,which i forgot why..and now i decide to continue watch it again..haha,and this is making me happy,i forgot everything when i'm soooooo into something! haha!

and the anime is called ' D.Gray Man' ..the picture beside is the main character in the series..he somehow steal my heart away xD haha..he's cool isnt he? haha,i found that the scar on his face is pretty cool..anyway,gonna talk about the story..the story was kinda confusing,but as long as u understand,it was not that complicated actually,it was about a world which there are exorcist fought with the akuma for both the demon and human sake..well, i am not good at explaining the story,but well..the story line is something like that...>>> He's mine! xD

anyway,gtg now...want to go finish my moral tugasan harian,this sucks! gosh!

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