Monday, March 8, 2010

you've become a stranger

i dont know when is it
you've become a stranger..

History examination tml! argh, though i remember how the story goes,but i couldnt memorize all of it! they said the exam very tough,feel like want to curse to person who create the question~ omg, i'll be very grateful if i can get pass for this subject~what is ther purpose for studying history? you know what,my elder brother had a crush on this subject ever since he starts to learn this subject.i like this subject too,but since the questions come out in structure form,so it kinda makes me pissed off. why not in objective form?~ i dont know why people always want to make things complicated..i can hardly stand the wait now..! i'm waiting for the holidays to come..i want to watch lots of tv programs as many as i can..i want to surf the net all day long..! i dont wanna live my life under the pressure, tension and stress..unfortunately,we got only one week of holiday~ argh,better then never..anyway,my birthday is just around the corner~which make me kind of anxious and somehow a little bit sad..i'm turning 16 on this saturday,which means i'm growing older~hahahaha~nevermine,just accept the fact i've become older.

ok,gtg to memorize all the history fact~ to be honest to say,it is a kind of torture~BB,peeps ~ =D

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