Wednesday, March 31, 2010


owh yeah, i'm u can see,i've just customized my blog with some nice songs..=)
just back from school i had chinese class just now,it was fun xD haha,tml we got chinese extra class,and each one of us is going to give a short talk based on the topic given in front of the class..LOL! teacher said she would record it make it into a video! Omg! maybe i should put on some powder on my face tml,lol,kidding la,i never make up to school,it's very inappropriate,isn't not?

By the way, my 'best friend' just come and visit me today,what the heck~ same day with Kelly LOL...HAHAHA...i'm starving now...=( didn't had my breakfast today..and i starve easily when my period come..LaLaLaLa,whatever..i'm gonna put on lots of weight later... looks like it is going to rain soon,yeah,more rain pls,i want to sleep well tonight..

ok bye here xD i want to customize my blog i'll just make the post short and simple enough..the post ends here xDD bye bye

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