Saturday, March 6, 2010

still have one week to go before the holidays starts. i just can't wait for the day to come! i seriously need to take a break! sigh,later still got three hours of tuition which make me really sick! i don't like tuition but i have to go,my mum don't want me to skip any tuition classes anymore. hmm, there's nothing i really want to talk about,just want to share something here with the fellow readers. do you think that the world is fair enough? i hate to say this but i have to. There are some people who don't know how to appreciate us. As a human, we have done all we could do to help you,but no one ever seem to appreciate even one..funny right? but then when something went wrong, they all point their fingers at us, we are the one who should be blamed in their thought. I don't know why and how could they think like this, perhaps we are too nice to be bullied by them. i find myself so fake in front of those people.

though i don't like the idea, but i say i like it.
though i don't want to take up the responsibility,but i did it at last.
though i smile in front of you, but my tears drops as your back turn on me.
**though i say i love you,
but i actually hate you.**

i'm trying my best to keep everything under the control, but the plan fails. we start to complaint as no one wants to appreciate our contribution. i think every one did the same thing when no one seems to be grateful of what we have done and contribute to the community.but our case even worse. we get scold just because of a tiny little matter. you're overreacting which make me really sick and angry. people only apologize after they realized what they have done. But do you know that, words couldn't be taken back no matter how many times you apologize. Words leave scars. i don't know whether we have done anything wrong at the first place. but i don't want to argue with you over this matter,it makes feel as if i'm childish. to be honest to say, IHU~!

I dont want to be a coward, so thats why i express my thought here! i feel as if i was reborn xD

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