Wednesday, January 5, 2011


ok, though today is the third day of school.
but still i can't accept the fact that this year is our senior year!
omg,it's like everything is being fast forward.
don't you think it's too fast? and 5 years just passed like that?
oh God, you must be punishing me. i'm not ready for this yet, neither physically nor mentally.
but school time was fun !~ at least it's much more better than being a full time couch potato. speaking of which, my butt is getting bigger by each day. hahaha.
and we had our assembly today, but not a formal one, because the principle wasn't there at the assembly, and don't ask me why she wasn't there. coz I DON'T KNOW. =D
and urm, like always, we've been whispering through each others' ear during the assembly haha
and standing next to our class, was 4F and there's a new face in that class, the particular student happens to be a REALLY TALL GUY. taller than the rest of the guy in our school, even taller than our disciplinary teacher. LOL. i guess even the teacher have to look up at his face when they're talking to him, he's just too high. so i will never ever stood next to him, because that make me look completely like a dwarf.
haha, one thing best about school, is that we get to see friends ! and being able to see beside Corina and Christyan is the best thing ever. xD lol, dirty jokes for the whole school day is merely a piece of cake for us.HAHAHAHHA! we should call ourselves an expert of dirty jokes already. =DDDD and i taught Christyan a funny chinese word. and i think he's madly in love with this word, because every time i talk chinese with my friends, he keep saying those words, which made us burst into laughter. the teachers are still the same, except for moral and physics. by the way, who's going to teach us Chemistry, no teacher enter the class so far. though i hate it, but still i don't want our class fall behind in this subject just because no teacher enter our class.
tons of homework has been 'offered' by most of the teachers, their reasons are almost the same : spm year, you must have your resolve. ok, done. and we've spend our time talking about which college or university we want to enter, when there's no teacher in the class. it's fun though. i mean we don't have much time left anymore, all we can do is cherish the time we are given. even just for a single second. and speaking of which, i don't think i can carry the burden of hating you.i mean i'm a grown up, so i should be mentally i want to set myself free. i don't wanna lock myself in this small prison and bother me with this matter. but it's not like i forgive you, i just decided forget everything you have done to me, decided to ignore the scar you gave me. it's just like this. in fact, i don't think i can forgive you. so if i can't forgive you, i'll just forget you. that's it. =)
if you are expecting me to carry this burden for the rest of my life, urgh.i'll pass.
ok that's all. bye. have to finish my homework first. bye. stay tuned.

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