Wednesday, December 10, 2008

FREAK out of my life ~ u weirdo!!!

shit~things unlike i expected....u weirdo ..juz FREAK out of my life!!!
bet u never appear in my life...
so wat..primary 3 until primary six ...the things we been through this all...seems like doesnt important 2 wat m i looking reward back!!! worry 4 nothing!!! its not worth!!! for wat im doing tiz..!!! for nothing !!!

hate u forever...oh yeah..u got u own old friends doesn't important 2 u anymore..
HAHA..i reckon tat u never treat me as ur friends..u b*tch...
better dun c u...hate u...hope tat i never ever meet u..
friends u cant live without..?? theres nothing u can predict in future..well...things owez don go like the way we wish for...drop off the thing u dun wan...n den choose a new 1 again~ hate!!!...F*ck off...!!!! better dun appear in front of me...

someday ur friends will suffer like me... !!!
what on earth are u thinking of !!! a qian jin dao xiao jie hu dont even noe how 2 use bas...dun u feel ashamed for urself!!! weirdo~!!!


♥ xiAo B bi ♥ said...


YunQian0314 said... la..its not wat u think..its other person..u oso noe tiz person of our primary frenz...well...get mad becoz of her..nest time go out i tell u k??