Saturday, July 11, 2009

_the most tired day i ever had_

Even it was Saturday
but me as the student of the stupid smk pujut
had to wake up early
i have to sacrifice my bed time
what the heck
just because of the carnival science and mathematic
i went to school with kelly and daphne by the time 6.30
and we went to help the teachers and students
and you know what
that woman has no right to judge us
u just came to this school by last month (well, if i am not mistaken)
they way you talked to us really annoyed me
do you know how much i wish i could slap u
2 times in 1 second
as if we have to obey whatever u told us to do
what the heck..U HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO SO, get it?

and then when we sold out all the things and food, we cant even went back yet
because one meeting was going to held at canteen
and at that time, most of the students had went back
except for those couples who were still staying inside the school
and keep hugging with each other
**disgusted** could u pls find somewhere else to do these, just somewhere else far away from me okay? retarded ==

during the meeting was carry on, i feel so sleepy and all the words cannot get in my mind
well i guess this is the most tired day in my life
i never been so tired throughout my life..
just imagine that you were standing for almost 3 hours like that and u dont even have the time to sit down and take a break..== what the heck..
and that porku, she didnt even come and visit our stall
then why should we give the money 4 u, you didnt even shows your supports to us
we need prove okay? keep buying those food which contain high colestrol
== still not enough fat in ur body meh

==and then we all go back around 1.30pm..==
what a tired day i ever heard..=((

stop here~ bb

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