Sunday, January 31, 2010

i'm sicked ='((
sore throat and flu x(((
got stupid ceramah tml
holidays pls come faster! i need to rest x(((

Friday, January 29, 2010


人们总是说 好心会有好报

人们说 人不犯我,我不犯人。
那些人,不但嫌他们时间太多结果就找喳 是不是太闲空呢?

你们这些人如果真的那么不想被忽略,求你们不要错怪别人,查清楚你们自己有多好? 难道没有听过说别人之前,先量量自己有多大的本事。没有这么大的头,不要戴那么大的帽子!懂吗?

说我们被重视,你们被冷落?哈哈哈,有没有再过分一点?还有那个把话说到很过分的人,你给我小心一点,给我知道你是谁的话,我不会让你好过。等着瞧吧 ,你这种人,去吃大便最好。

你们如果真的有心想要帮忙的话,拜托你们活跃一点好吗?你们凭良心问问你自己,你们有什么 资格这样说我们?你们算哪根葱啊??论经验,论技巧,论资格,你们连我的手指头都不如还跟我斗胆说这些。

你不仁,我不义。你做初一我做十五!以前你们所做的一切我都忍了,可是现在你们那么大胆爬到我们的头上来,现在是怎样哈?以为自己很厉害哈? 你们真的是 嫌自己时间太多没有事情做是吗?拜托你们去数自己有几根头发吧。也顺便计算以下你们的脑有多大。

最后,我发现你们除了是会动嘴巴投诉的人之外就什么也不是的可怜虫。机会是自己争取的,不是等别人给你机会。如果你是生气我们没有给你机会的话,对不起,我不是会给你机会的人。聪明的话就自己去争取吧。懂吗?不要怪我们没有给你机会,给你机会帮忙我们时,不知到是谁在那边拼命说:我不能哦,我不懂哦,我没有空哦! 哈哈,如果你有自知之明的话,就知道我在说谁了。



Wednesday, January 27, 2010

善意的批评 我会接受
过分的批评 我会坦然的接受 但是请你们也要顾虑我们的心情。
所以你们凭你们的良心问问自己 你们这样子做会不会过分一些?
你们有没有见证过我门的辛苦? 一张嘴巴投诉当然容易,我也会啊?只是辛苦的是 谁?
哎,有苦自己知 ~
同样是学生,为什么总觉得我们身为 学生的命比别人苦??


Saturday, January 23, 2010

random + complaints

it was a tiresome day =(
and now i agree with what my friend had said: life is never easy
yes, definitely true,when you found yourself were almost suffocated because of the hw you couldn't finished in time.
Let me list down all the homework :
1)sejarah (one structure question and 6 essay questions)
2)Biology ( essay of intracellular enzymes and extracellular enzymes which involved all the organelles inside a cell.) idk wtf is this.
3) Moral ( more than 2 essay questions and more than 5 structures question)
4)BM (tatabahasa,and the spelling test correction) and you know what, it was a shame when a form four student only scored 9 out of 20 in a spelling test,you know who the jerk and dumbass is? i'm so proud to tell you that i was the retarded f dumbass.. a result,i have to do correction for each wrong answer, each word ten another word,11 x10 =110 times. WTH.
5) chemistry (workbook,3 pages)

Luckily.there's only five.or else like my other friends, she got 9 or 10 hw.=.= No wonder my senior ever complaint about this, only now i can feel her thoughts. xD to be honest to tell you readers, i thought i'll be in love with the biology subject, but then i was completely wrong. Despite the subject was tough, but i'm really keen and look forward to learn it..but something spoiled my mood. I thought by sitting in the lab and fully concentrated when the teacher is teaching in the class would be okay, but then i found this was rather bored. The Lcd screen and Laptop are provided, i wonder why dont the teacher just displays the cd, which was much more better than giving speech in front of the lab,and waste your chalks to write the names or draw the structures of each organelles plus explain the functions of each organelles.don't u find this very bored? I tried to understand it, but the current condition won't allowed. Okay,once again i am gonna say it here: we ain't genius.stop treating us that way, seriously i dun like that very much. We are just not more than other typical human being, we are same. a pair of eyes located under forehead and above nose.a nose which located above the mouth and under the eyes. and a mouth which was located under the nose and above the chin,and a pair of ears. GET IT? There is a big gap..what we learn before is easy,and now it turns hard. So what we need is time, we need times to get used and adapted with the subjects.ArgHHHHHHHHHH.....~~so could u pls stop this?

** when i thought i understood you, I'm actually nothing to you. When you said that you believed me, you were actually lying,don't you?** EMO-ing.

couldn't stop myself thinking this way. I need someone for me to lean against. Someone who can share all the things with me. A true love, perhaps? haha..


Friday, January 22, 2010

so here i am again ;D

so here i am again xD i've been neglected my blog for a 2 weeks like that x(
and now sounds of fire crackers can be heard x) which means Chinese New Year is just around the corner =) haha,anticipate..
let's talk about something else, Form 4? hmm, it was hard in the beginning, but since i'm getting used to it,so everything's fine now. By the way, I'm addicted to a Novel called The Hollow, By Nora Roberts. HAHA.
hmm..currently listening to 'long time no see by Lim Chang Jung. NICE!~~
anyway, i got lots of activities this week. which was the main reason why i couldn't put my hands on this keyboard and surf d internet.x( Tired + Exhausted.

yesterday, our english teacher required us to write a simple poem. I've written one. HAHA. here it is :

Title : I remember

I remember when i was walking alone at the beach.
The water was crystal clear and the cool air whipped my face.
Seeing the footprints i leaved on the sand
reminded me of someone special and precious.
But the footprints were gone, being taken away by the tremendous waves.
But i still remember
The ones who leaved footprints on my soul
The ones that kept my life going.

That's all i guess, Anyway, I LOVE 2AM xD haha

Sunday, January 10, 2010


just logged in my facebook
and saw something which were very execrated
wonder why and how this happened
when we thought someone who should stand on our side
turn out become a betrayal, how would you react ?
hit the person? there's no solution i can think of so far.
though u hit the person but what hurts the most was seeing someone who really close to you betrayed you.
The scar will never recovers. never will.
it's like carving your skin with a knife, hurts. What left is the scar underneath the perfect skins.
it's just a random post, don't get me wrong peeps. i aint pointing fingers at you.

gtg now, shits, school again x(
sad ;(

waiting for my phone to come back...



excuse me peeps.there is an announcement i want to make.
my phone is currently having some problems.
so don't get me wrong if i din reply any of your messages. I have sent my phone to repair.
Life without phone is miserable and Bored.
And wonder what happened to my phone, shits.
anyway, gtg now. BB


Friday, January 8, 2010


it's almost 11.00pm now.
staring at the monitor and updating my blog.
there's nothing special i want to blog about. But i can't just neglect the blog like this right.

anyway, the school has reopened for one week.
and i'm trying my best to get used of the new environment,new teachers, new classmates and as well as the new subjects.
learning something new is quite fun after all, but sometime i get mad of myself.
I like to be fast. When teacher is teaching new chapter in front of the class, i wish that i could understand it without thinking it over and over again. I usually get mad secretly when i knew someone learned faster than me. how petty-minded i am. haha,anyway, one of my friend told me that : learning does not requires speed, but it requires understanding skills. haha,credits goes to J.He was the one who told me this.
i sat in the living room for over an hour to solve the add maths question. Blurred.
anyway, still left two questions to solve. Haha, never thought that i can solve most of the question. But i don't know whether the answers are correct or not. But at least i've try to solve it, isn't it. Better than nothing.
Learning can be stressful, but we are happy when we see the outcome. Anyway, still got some homework haven't do. nevermine, i will try to finish it by tommorrow, ASAP! and you know what, please kill me! I don't wanna close myself in the room and spend my time to read the stupid novel. It is confusing. 18 of january, the orientation session for form 4 students. guess what, we have to stay back for a week every afternoon! argh!!! could you please let me rest. i already stayed back in the school for 3 days in this, stop pissing me off =.=
yesterday i bought a book which its titled is The Hollow by Nora Roberts. Haven't start to read it honestly coz currently the condition does not allowed me to do so. T.T Our english teacher is moving to Philippines with her husband and kids very soon. Wonder who is going to teach us english. Hopefully not someone fierce & strict. Though it's too late for the teacher to stay,but i have to say sorry anyway, i got some prejudice about her. People only know how to cherish others when they lost something or someone important. She is Good anyway, just sometime she's a little bit Picky.HAha.
Gtg now, my eyes is urging me to sleep. Going to bed now. BB, have a sweet dream and Happy weekend. Stay Tuned,Peeps.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


so i came here again
i've neglected my blog for a few days, sorry readers.
well,i'll talk about my school life.
i already knew which class i belonged to.
There were some new faces and some familiar faces, anyway, it's good to have them as my study partners.
The school is just reopened for two days, somehow i felt that i'd spent thousand years in the school.
everything's new now, including all the subjects,teachers and the location of my class, it changed from 1st floor to 2nd floor, which means i had to walk for 48 staircases in every morning, it was a torture! I miss 1st floor!
ok,back to the topic,in my thought, the class was boring,i still didn't get adapted with the subjects and the format of each subject,it's new for me. I miss my previous school life. =(
Now i can feel the burden of my shoulder though it was just the beginning of each classes. I pretended nothing happened, actually i'm afraid. seriously and honestly, i hate changes. I know it was a stupid and unacceptable reason..whatever,my friend said : as teacher said,considered it as a challenge.I made an attempt to take it as a kind of challenge. It must be really hard. There's a silly wish in my i wish i am a baby for my entire life =D this must be great. Thought that form 4 is going to be an exciting and fantasticing year,actually i was wrong. everything becomes much more complicated.In the class, i almost dozed off, i can't concentrate..everyday when i open my eyes, i was like : shitz, school again. Then i brought all those negatives thoughts to school. I am the happiest when it's time to go home. how i wish i can change this bullshit negative attitudes, it swept away my study mood.

anyway, got to go now..*sigh* hope everything will be fine tomorrow.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

-> Nightmare Begins <-

school reopens tomorrow =x and means that my holidays is end. *sigh*
today,my whole family went out together, we went to sun city to have our breakfast.
The food was appetizing and mouth watering, Delicious !
Then after this and that, we went to boulevard for window shopping.
i wonder is there any special occasion today? Boulevard is crowded with people! Then i straight away when to the stationary shop, coz i wanted to buy a pen stand~when i went to the stationary shop,i was like 'wow'. Lots of people were buying reference books,stationary, and other stuffs.Perhaps the school is reopen tomorrow,so the people went out to buy school stuffs. Well, my mom planned to buy something in Boulevard,but she changed her decision,when she saw the shopping mall almost stuck with people.
Tomorrow is going to be a tiring day~and you know what, i still don't know which class i'll be in. my school really sucks.
k, gtg now..will be less on9. probably my time would be occupied by school activities. Forgive me. I'm not pulling your legs. xD

anyway, good luck for my study. i'm off now..BB

Saturday, January 2, 2010


am so down now.
you didn't even asked me whether i need help or not.
i am so regret that i take up the job position
i should rejected it last time
and now,i did regret.
you run away and avoid me in the moment i need your help.
if you still have guilty conscience, you should at least ask me!Not sitting there and enjoying your life.

Am so REGRET !
feel like i am a dog when i beg for help. Okay, from now on, i'll do all the work. Don't need your sympathize and anything from you. I have self respect. get it.
firstly, i want everyone to be cleared that, don't ever get yourself misunderstood. I'm not talking about anyone here,know that i am too emotional, but that just what i felt now. i just want everything to be fair! I'm gonna explode if i keep everything inside me. that's too unfair to me. k, bye.